A DJ Set at the Chicken Grill – Andhim Playing at Unusual Places

A DJ Set at the Chicken Grill – Andhim Playing at Unusual Places

If Berlin has one thing to offer, it’s a unique music experience and plenty of cute DJ’s playing every night in one of the numerous clubs of the city. But if you played pretty much in every club of the town and the rest of the world you have to think of something else. Being creative and fun is definitely one of the favorite things that Simon and Tobias, better known as Andhim, love to do and of course only they could come up with the brilliant and hilarious idea to play some music at the famous Hühnerhaus 36 chicken grill next to Görlitzer Park at 8 o’clock in the morning.

Their little Hühnerhaus-Experiment is the first Episode of their new series ‘Playces’ in which they want to play pop-up sets in  special, authentic and interesting locations around the world to get in touch with the local people and their daily lives outside of the nightlife scene. And seriously, is there a better way to start their cool new project than with a 8 a.m. Sterni in their second hometown Berlin!? But watch and enjoy for yourself after the jump…

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