In Love with Llewyn Davis

In Love with Llewyn Davis

New York in the 60s. The Lower East Side is the stomping ground of painters, musicians, writers and artists of all disciplines. High hopes are their common denominators but most of them struggle to make a living off their passion. Llewyn Davis (Oscar Isaac) is a folk singer who isn’t particularly successful. He sleeps on his friends (Justin Timberlake, Carey Mulligan) couch, repeatedly plays the same venue and is deeply hurt by his ex-partners suicide. The new Coen Brothers film Inside Llewyn Davis dives deep into Llewyns world and takes the viewer onto a wonderful journey through one of the most vulnerable souls of film history.

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Dying to see Inside Llewyn Davis? Win Tickets!

Dying to see Inside Llewyn Davis? Win Tickets!

VICE Germany and Studioncanal are celebrating the new Coen brothers film Inside Llewyn Davis with a preview and subsequent party on November 6th in Berlin. We are giving away 1×2 slots on the guestlist. So whoever cannot wait until the official start on the 5th of December may comment with their favorite Coen Film (which might then be replaced with Inside Llewyn Davis) and keep their fingers crossed. You’ve got until next Tuesday (Nov. 5). Good Luck!

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Ready, Set, GO!

Ready, Set, GO!

People love to compete and some would do anything to win. In movies people entering competition usually believe winning will change their life, but the way to success is long and rocky. This week I’ll take a look at what great films deal with various topics of racing toward a seemingly unreachable goal.

As I’m sure you’ve already heard and Mobile Kino are hosting the very first Berlin Film Night, a one-night screening film festival on the topic of Berlin. Next week we will show you a selection of films visually or through it’s narration related to our beautiful city. And we are still looking for films. More after the jump.

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