The Berlin Fine Coffee Guide: The Best Coffee Places in Mitte

The Berlin Fine Coffee Guide: The Best Coffee Places in Mitte

photo: Tai Lückerath

In an attempt to help you eliminate all basic coffee from your lives, we have gathered the finest speciality coffee shops located in the heart of Berlin, waiting for you to try them! Whether you’re strolling around Mitte, sightseeing with visitors, or shopping, these coffee places are the break and boost you need to continue your day.

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A Breakfast Guide for Berlin-Mitte

A Breakfast Guide for Berlin-Mitte

It goes without saying that breakfast is or at least should be the meal of the uttermost importance during the day. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the etymology of the word refers to a large amount of food, with which a person breaks his fast in the morning. Its paramount importance is more than obvious in Berlin with countless cafes have outdoing themselves daily by offering an impressive variety of delicacies, sweets, omelets, coffee etc. and even accepting reservations on their busiest days. It is truly hard to compile a list with the best ones in Berlin, which is why we opted to create a guide for almost every neighborhood. What is more, we are always very happy to hear about new places that you have discovered and love, so make sure you share with us your suggestions in the comment section below. Today it is Mitte’s turn. Read on…