photos: Thomas Aurin
There are some theater and dance companies that make me wish to have pursuit other career options. Since I am way too old to become a dancer I have to limit myself to watching their incredible perfomance and perhaps review them. One special company which is such a pain to watch because they are so incredibly good that you wish you could be on stage with them is the Costanza Macras ensemble Dorky Park. If you never heard of them and wish to experience my unbareable craving to be involved, they are playing again their great piece Megalopolis this weekend at Schaubühne. More photos, a trailer, a summary and details after the jump.
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by Claudio | Theater
The big Berlin festival of avant-garde dance – Tanztage at the Sophiensaele – is over, but still there are some really nice dance highlights in the upcoming weeks that I would like to recommend. When I saw him perform for Dorky Park for the first time I became a huge fan of Jared Gradinger. He is also responsible for the crazy perfomances of the pictoplasma monsters that Frank loves so much. And generally speaking I think the whole editorial team of iHeart thinks that he is kind of cute. So I am quiet excited that he and his dance partner Angela Schubort are doing a double feature titled Les petites mortes . They are premiering this Wednesday with I hope you die soon at HAU and on the 7th of February in the Sophiensaele with All my holes are theirs.
In their new two-part project Les petites mortes Angela Schubot and Jared Gradinger focus on the theme of death and dying. In the first part I hope you die soon, they explore the possibility of dying together, giving a new dimension to their characteristic ‘dissolving the I’ in their very physical choreographic works. The trio All my holes are theirs, together with Aleesa Cohene, extends their investigation: in a radical act of surrender, the two performers attempt to disappear ‘into’ a third.
Check out the dates and details of these two dance pieces after the jump.
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by Claudio | Art, Theater

painting by Amit Elan
There is something about Friday the 13th you could say because the majority of this week’s events is taking place on that day. This would be a perfect candidate for a scandalous cover story: One night – TEN parties, haha! Anyone interested? Find out how to spend the week and what all the options are for Friday after the jump…
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by Frank | Art, Movies, Party

Fango by Dietmar Walther, at Neurotitan
This week starts big with those few Halloween parties that took the timing a bit more serious. On Wednesday we have a re-opening of an old familiar party in a brand new club, on Thursday we’ll also meet an old familiar dinner club coming back to life, while Friday and Saturday are an eclectic mix of music, art, fashion and parties. The details after the jump.
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by Frank | Art, Fashion, Music, Party, Theater

photos: Thomas Aurin
There are some theater and dance companies that make me wish to have pursuit other career options. Since I am way too old to become a dancer I have to limit myself to watching their incredible perfomance and perhaps review them. One special company which is such a pain to watch because they are so incredibly good that you wish you could be on stage with them is the Costanza Macras ensemble Dorky Park. If you never heard of them and wish to experience my unbareable craving to be involved, they are playing their new piece Megalopolis this weekend at Schaubühne. More pictures, a trailer, a summary and details after the jump.
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by Claudio | Events, Theater