A Holy Art Procession!

A Holy Art Procession!

photos: Just!

While being on holiday at the most beautiful tropical beaches probably doesn’t make you miss the cement and polution of the big city at all, Berlin still manages to make you regret ever leaving it once you receive an invitation to an event that you really would have loved to go to. Last week a holy procession of a special kind took place in town organized by the Berlin artist duo Various& Gould. Four of the saints from Gould’s series Sankt Nimmerlein were brought in a solemn procession to four different places in town like Tacheles or the Bayer building in Wedding, as a protest against the decline of alternative and urban culture in Berlin. As I already said about the Duali -Tree, an installation Various&Gould did last year, I love to support artist and and creative minds, which does not just complain but never hesitate to create something new and provoking to tell their opinion. You can see more pictures of the procession which was supported by Neurotitan Gallery and Haus Schwarzenberg after the jump.
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