The Best Designer Face Masks
photos: re-nt, Julian Zigerli.
Since our first article about designer face masks from Berlin that came out in April and featured 7 different designers who were amongst the first to produce masks a lot has changed. The senate has imposed rules that it’s compulsory to wear masks in public transport and shops. But also many more designers have decided to create masks with their own style so we have some good looking alternatives to the self-made ones or the ugly blue hospital ones. In the end, we have to wear these on our faces, so at least they should look good somehow, right?
With so many more options on the market, we thought it’s about time to make another designer face mask guide for you. We are glad to be able to support some local small businesses with our guide and give our readers some pointers on where they can get what they need. We decided not to repeat any of the designers from our first guide as this one still is new and valid. So please see this as the second part, you can find the designers from the first part right here.