3 True Berlin Stories of Ridiculous Dating Fails

3 True Berlin Stories of Ridiculous Dating Fails

illustrations: Berk Karaoglu. 

I once compared the struggle of finding a soulmate in Berlin to doing groceries on a Sunday in that it only seems possible on limited occasions and in selected spots. Without acquiring a detailed schedule, you may just end up investing much hope and energy into an effort that won’t get you any further than the glass door through which you can only cast a longing gaze on what could have been. But since growing bitter seems to be the cardinal sin of undesired singlehood, it’s probably best to laugh it off and try to move forward. To help you with that, we’ve collected some ridiculous dating fails – since we all know the funniest ones tend to be not your own.

One could argue that being forced to sit in front of someone who, as it turns out, clearly shouldn’t have been granted that benefit of a doubt is bad enough, but some dating fails are just a bit more spectacular than that. Not only do they leave you wishing you never left home, but sometimes even make you feel like maybe it’s time to leave town.

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Why Failing is ok in Berlin

Why Failing is ok in Berlin

photos: Eylül Aslan

I’m looking forward to January 18th. Not only is it my birthday, but, thanks to the almighty coincidence, it’s also going to mark a year since I put my signature on my first WG contract. But metaphorically, although I was quite unaware of it at that time, I signed up for so much more. Saying that Berlin made me grow up wouldn’t be quite enough – any place where you need to pay for your food and rent for the first time would make you grow up. But Berlin, with all its peculiarities, which became evident as I started to get to know more people here, proved to be a very special environment. It made me question virtually everything – the only thing I’m sure of is no matter how often things would escape my mental and/or emotional capacity, I have never entertained the thought of leaving. I like it here.

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Berlin Dating Fails

Berlin Dating Fails

photos: Eylül Aslan

Berlin. As we’ve all noticed by now the city is not only a heartbreaker, psycho but still hopeful: Berlin is also a pool of fairy tales gone wrong. Cosmopolitan life often leaves you shattered to a reality that is far from anything romantic. Now you could argue, that this indeed is just life and life is happening anywhere. True, but in a fast pace city like Berlin that communicates in matches the mass of mishaps is too damn high. Which of course also leaves you with the best stories to tell. Whenever I encounter a dating disaster, for a short moment, I leave my body and watch myself from the upper right corner of the room, thinking: ‚fantastic story to tell your future grandchildren.‘

And then I have to laugh. Of course, if too many of these stories happen, there never will be grandchildren to tell them to. Sort of a catch-22. But who cares, this is life, this is the capital and these are some of the most entertaining dating fails. These are real stories of dysfunctional dating. One of them is mine, the other ones friends experienced. Somehow only men being the bad guys here. But of course we know it’s not only them. It’s all of us. If you recognize yourself in one of these: you have my full support. Read for yourself and hopefully laugh after the jump. Read on…