The One and Only TV Tower – Constructing the Symbol of Berlin
photo: Bundesarchiv / Sturm, Horst / CC
When you think about all those metropolises of the world and what each of them uses as their main trademark (New York the Statue of Liberty, Paris the Eiffel Tower, Sydney its iconic Opera House, London the Big Ben, to name only a few examples) it seems almost odd that Berlin would have something as ordinary as a TV tower as their most prominent sight. Every major city has one of those so it seems kind of like an uninspired choice. So how come both Berliners and visitors love this particular TV tower so much that they raise it above more distinctive buildings like the Brandenburger Gate or the Dom? Is it the unique spheric shape of the platform? Its reflective, faceted surface? Its central position within the city? The fact that Berlin is built so low that it stands out so much an can be seen from almost every major street? There are probably more facts that make the TV Tower of Berlin unique compared to those of other cities. But maybe the answer is much simpler…