Ready, Set, GO!

Ready, Set, GO!

People love to compete and some would do anything to win. In movies people entering competition usually believe winning will change their life, but the way to success is long and rocky. This week I’ll take a look at what great films deal with various topics of racing toward a seemingly unreachable goal.

As I’m sure you’ve already heard and Mobile Kino are hosting the very first Berlin Film Night, a one-night screening film festival on the topic of Berlin. Next week we will show you a selection of films visually or through it’s narration related to our beautiful city. And we are still looking for films. More after the jump.

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La Dolce Vita + Moga E Mago

La Dolce Vita + Moga E Mago

Moga E Mago, photo: Madame Peripetie

On Friday a very special event takes place at the old Zwingli church in Friedrichshain. Berlin Film Society is hosting a screening of Fellini’s cult classic La Dolce Vita with a vary interesting introductory program. Swedish film director Emilio El-Lauren is hosting a fashion show by excentric accessory label Moga E Mago, that iHeartBerlin readers should be well aware of as we did quite a few events with them in the past here in Berlin. More amazing photos of their last collection after the jump. Also there is going to be fingerfood and drinks, as well as a jazz music performance by …e la luna? And all that in the amazin ambience of an old church – you should definately come here. Win 2×2 tickets for the event after the jump.

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We need to talk about Kevin

We need to talk about Kevin

What does a mother do, when her son turns out to be a cold-blooded killer? At first she will probably refuse to believe it was him before beginning to investigate what it was that corrupted her darling boy.

Eva (Tilda Swinton) does just that in Lynne Ramsay’s new film We need to talk about Kevin, when her 15-year-old son Kevin (Ezra Miller) goes on a killing spree in his High School… Read on…

Berlin LIVE!

Berlin LIVE!

Imagine a silent and warm summer night in Berlin. You are sitting in a beautiful old place in the heart of the city, when music begins to play. The soft sound of violins sooth you before rhythmic horns seem to announce a royal entrance. Then the darkness is interrupted by rays of light that throw a black and white image of Berlin onto a silver screen. The music swells up and all of a sudden an entire orchestra is playing in perfect sync with the moving pictures of 1920s Berlins.

Doens’t that seem like a perfect Berlin film experience? UFA is staging just that this upcoming Thursday…

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Filmic Football Fever!

Filmic Football Fever!

All of a sudden we’re busy every night. Every tiny bar has at least one flatscreen set up, shouts and screams roam the streets. The European Cup has started! The football fever is back and will certainly infatuate many more within the next three weeks. Football moves the masses. Since Friday flags are everywhere: they are hanging from balconies and cars, they become skirts and capes, and even shots of strawberry limes and other liqueurs are layered to represent flags. Personally, I’m not a big fan of this national pride everyone seems to be wearing on their cheeks these days, but as soon as it’s kick off, I’m there!

Of course football is also one massive piece of theatre! Players, coaches and fans know their parts by heart, and of course every striker knows what to do after scoring a goal in order to satisfy the audience. I’m sure this European Cup will provide plenty of joyous dancing, pulled up shirts and sliding on the grass; as well as weeping men and ripped flags hanging in trees whenever it didn’t end up well.

For those fans who can’t get enough, the following films will provide additional football entertainment. And for those who don’t watch football, well at least you’ll be able to take part in the conversation a little…

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Berlin in the Movies!

Berlin in the Movies!

Berlin Calling

BERLIN! After being away for three long months, I am finally back in town. I obviously didn’t forget how much I love this city, as it is somehow always present even when away. But before I start on an ultimately boring praise to Berlin, I’d like to let the pictures about this city speak for themselves. There’s plenty and various images and although New York and London are more like the classic backdrops for films, Berlin is still in quite a few great movies…

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Fighting for Life…

Fighting for Life…

There are currently two films in the cinema that deal with the topic of cancer. The independant French movie Declaration of War and the larger budget american production 50/50. Although films on cancer aren’t exactly the most uplifting topic, I decided to go with it anyway. Especially because the films take such different approaches to the difficult topic…

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Film + Music = MuVi

Film + Music = MuVi

I am in full festival mode, as the International Short Film Festival Oberhausen is currently on and I am part of the team. So I worked heaps but also saw a lot of films since last Thursday.  The MuVis, our Music Video Program is one that I look forward to every year. Inspired or even driven by music the filmmakers creat perfect little symbioses between film and music and my colleague really digs out the best of them.

So instead of long films, this week it’s short music videos we’ll be taking a look at.

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Hollywood on Ice! – Movies for the snowy days

The clear blue sky and sunshine almost suggest summer, but the white fluff on the pavement clearly states: it’s icy cold, and you better put on three layers of clothing before heading outside.

The weather is the topic of the week, Facebook is full of snow pictures and the weather report is the most anticipated part of the TV programme.

So even though the weather is perfect for a long walk, the nights call for cuddling up on the couch and watching films. And because I don´t want to think about summer I choose snow to be the topic of the week! So turn the heater up, but a DVD in and feel great, because compared to these films it´s actually quite nice outside…

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Dance, Dance Or We Are All Lost!

Dance, Dance Or We Are All Lost!

What a joy: Wim Wender’s PINA is nominated for an Oscar award in the documentary category. Although the Oscars aren’t necessarily a symbol of artistic quality to me, I can’t deny a certain interest in those films that made it onto the short list of nominations. And PINA would actually deserve the award. On the occassion of this nomination, I’ll write about PINA and other wonderful documentaries focussing on dance this week.

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