photos: Thai Hoang
Over the weekend I stumbled across an awesome photo series by Thai Hoang that I want to share with you today. Some of you might also know the young photographer from his Instagram account loewe7 that was also part of our #berlin exhibition last year. As part of the monthly Instameet #CamerasAndDancers organized by Jacob Jonas The Company Thai had the opportunity to follow a group of five dancers through Berlin and capture them in stunning formations in various iconic Berlin backgrounds. I love the idea of this Instameet, I love the guys from the group and I love the results of this photo shoot!
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by Frank | Photos
photo: Grey Goose
Love, dedication and attention to detail – this is the recipe for great things. François Thibault knows this and so he went against all doubts and critics to break conventions and make something that he felt really passionate about. In a region that is mostly known for its world class brandy he created a vodka made of unusual ingredients: the finest wheat that is normally used by the best bakers in the country and pure spring water from the region. Today, his vodka is considered to be one of the best-tasting ones in the world.
The same amount of love and passion went into the latest project of Grey Goose: The Boulangerie François brings the exquisite vodka together with the original purpose of its ingredients: bakery goods. In the charming atmosphere of a vintage bistro you can enjoy the most delicious bread with handmade jams infused with Grey Goose. The unique place will be open in Berlin for 4 days only at Friedrichstraße 124 in Mitte this coming week from Tuesday til Friday. After the jump you can get a sneak peak of the Boulangerie François and also get a chance to win invitations for an exclusive event there on Friday.
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by Frank | Cafés
Presenting art in abandoned Buildings ist not that new of a concept in Berlin. I remember the first art exhibitions I went to were actually happening all over some really cool artist houses and ateliers in Mitte like Tacheles. Last Sunday I visited the exhibition The Vacancy where 33 rooms of an old hotel were creatively filled with art objects of 33 different artists. Now that the district turned into the Upper East Side of Berlin it actually felt a bit wrong to go inside a house that was totally dismantled to experience some art exhibition. At home I thought about the experience and concluded that instead of constantly complaining we should reconsider the idea of art spaces as “Zwischennutzung” (inbetween use) as a valuable concept of urban development. Because if we let artists become the explorer and venturer of new or abandoned places, maybe the commercial use that will follow and which is unfortunately not stoppable might be less horrible. I know that a lot of people would love the city to stay forever at it is. But this kind of hippie-conservatism is not something that will contribute new ideas for Berlin. Still I hope the whole Vacancy exhibition is not something to make the real estate more valuable. But I am curious to hear your thoughts in the comments. After the jump you find the adresss, opening times and most importantly a wonderful selection of pictures from the exhibition taken by our photographer Anna Agliardi.
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by Claudio | Art, Mitte

A few weeks ago I was awaken by a load thump coming from the living room. When I went over I saw in terror that my original signed copy of the Heaven and Hell book by David LaChapelle had fallen off my shelf and broken apart. You heard right, the book is so heavy that it broke apart on its impact. The outer box is totally trashed and the book inside has some dents and bruises now. Did I mention it was a signed copy? I think I did…
Anyways, the Warehouse Sale that will start tomorrow and will go through Saturday here at the newly opened Taschen Store at Friedrichsstrasse gives me hope of at least getting another intact box. After the jump you’ll find the details and a juicy picture of Benedikt Taschen posing with the Big Penis Book at the big opening party a few weeks ago.
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by Frank | Mitte, Places, Shops