The Art Highlights of Gallery Weekend Berlin 2019

The Art Highlights of Gallery Weekend Berlin 2019

Art lovers and exhibition goers have already been looking forward to this since months: the Berlin’s Gallery Weekend! The 15th edition will take place from the 26th to the 28th of April. With 45 galleries and around 1000 international and national guests, the Gallery Weekend Berlin successfully continues to draw in 30.000 visitors every year. It has also developed into a high-selling event on the art market, that many collectors from Russia, the USA or even China come to visit. The event reveals the multi-faceted and important work of the galleries, that help to build and support their artist’s careers, working with them to facilitate and design innovative and thought-provoking exhibitions of their works. Since it is difficult to decide which of the 45 galleries and many unofficial sideshows to visit, we intend to help you by pre-selecting our favorite 10! Enjoy.

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Ngoro Ngoro II: The Most Popular Exhibition during Gallery Weekend

Ngoro Ngoro II: The Most Popular Exhibition during Gallery Weekend

This Sunday saw the longest queue ever and for a change it was not in front of Berghain. After a three year hiatus the Ngoro Ngoro group exhibition in Weißensee was back and it was again a huge success and magnet for art enthusiasts and the art-curious. Full disclosure: the place had a pool – so every other exhibition didn’t really stand a chance that weekend…

Jokes aside, the group exhibition is one of the biggest, independently organized ones that we have seen here and the diversity of the works and artists presented alone made the whole event worth a visit for pretty much everyone. The hidden backyard that is a shared space of gallery owners and artists also managed to create a bit of a festival atmosphere with drinks and food, and it was a quite family-friendly, which was embraced by the visitors.

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The Highlights of Gallery Weekend 2017

The Highlights of Gallery Weekend 2017

Andrea Wan

The pair of the upcoming two weekends is one of those you should be looking forward to with extra intensity. The Gallery Weekend is an annual initiative during which you have the chance to discover galleries and exhibition spaces through numerous art openings and exhibition. Because one weekend is certainly enough there are a few independent shows already opening or already open on this weekend before it gets official on the final weekend in April next week. You’ll definitely find something special in our list including numerous painting exhibitions, a paper-mache project with the Marx and Engels sculptures, and even a virtual reality techno show.

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A White Circle Illuminating Berghain

A White Circle Illuminating Berghain

My Gallery Weekend started with an artistic installation that actually has nothing to do with the official Gallery Weekend (but has some good chances to become my favorite installation anyways). In celebration of its 20th anniversary, German record label raster-noton presents a ‘white circle’, an acoustic-architectural space designed as an audiovisual installation inside the hall of Berghain. On this occasion four of the label’s musician were invited to develop and contribute an exclusive composition: Alva Noto, Byetone, Frank Bretschneider, and Kangding Ray.

The four pieces are all very different but play with the full spectrum of light and darkness in visuals and sound. I was really impressed by the intense atmosphere this installation created. Suddenly I felt transported to a foreign galaxy where an Egyptian god of techno is ruling the world. Don’t miss to visit this place over the weekend. After the jump I created a couple of animated GIFs to give you an impression of the art piece, but of course without the sound it’s only half the experience.

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A Guide to Gallery Weekend Berlin

A Guide to Gallery Weekend Berlin

Halle am Berghain, photo: iHeartBerlin

Hey guys, did you know it’s Spring now? The sun is mostly shining, the streets are filling up, and everyone is looking pretty happy. There’s no better way to enjoy the season than to hop around town from one gallery to another, and this is the weekend to do it. Tons of galleries are opening interesting exhibitions with cool receptions to stand around at; there are lots of options, so you have no excuse: Get to a vernissage and mingle! Wondering what to see? Don’t worry – we got you covered. Here are our recommendations for Gallery Weekend Berlin 2016.

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Ngoro Ngoro Exhibition at Gallery Weekend Berlin

Ngoro Ngoro Exhibition at Gallery Weekend Berlin

The Ngoro Ngoro group exhibition curated by Christian Achenbach, Jonas Burgert, Zhivago Duncan, Andreas Golder, John Isaacs and David Nicholson that took place in a huge art space in Weißensee was probably the most impressive event during the Gallery Weekend Berlin. The exhibition was made with so much love, there was so much to discover in several halls and buildings, and the atmosphere in the yard with the bars and the pool was so lovely that it was really inviting to stay there the entire weekend. It felt almost like a little art festival. If you missed the show, don’t be sad, we have lots of impressions for you after the jump. And one of the shows will still be open until May 22, 2015.

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Pictoplasma 2015 – Form Follows Empathy

Pictoplasma 2015 – Form Follows Empathy

Gallery Weekend can be a little snobbish and too crowded from time to time. Fortunately there is one event I am looking so much forward to it that it makes up for all other little annoyances: Pictoplasma, the unique festival for contemporary character design is back in Berlin. Presenting a dense program of inspiring artist presentations, conference lectures, animation screenings, workshops, installations, exhibitions, performances and a big party it has something for everybody who is in love with cute art! Also there will be a pop-up shop at the Uniqlo store where you can buy things and get a little workshop with the Japanese artist Akinori Oishi.

The main exhibition under the title Form Follows Empathy with international artists awaits you in the recently re-discovered abandoned crematorium of Wedding, while a group show by last year’s Pictoplasma Academy Alumni will take place at our beloved Urban Spree. For the cinema lovers the big screen of Babylon am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz will show a unique animations program, while lively art happenings and performances at Platoon Kunsthalle ensure that you truly get into character. And the best of it: all of it is for free or with a quite small entrance fee!

And since we are friends with the festival for a couple of years we are giving away 3×2 tickets for the screenings. Just let us know the time and which screening you would love to attend in the comments section (including a valid email-adress). A little preview in pictures and the trailer after the jump. Read on…

Our Highlights of the Gallery Weekend

Our Highlights of the Gallery Weekend

photo: Maxime Ballesteros (at KIK TWO)

With the First of May holiday giving us a super long weekend the timing couldn’t have been better for the Gallery Weekend to happen in Berlin as everyone is out and about and eager to experience this creative and vibrant city. Pictoplasma is of course one big magnet with it’s fluffy and cute monsters. But apart from the monsters there is a lot more going on in terms oh fine arts and photography. We have selected the three exhibitions we are looking most forward to in the coming days which include the work of photographers Sascha Weidner and Maxime Ballersteros as well as paintings by Jonathan Meese, Johannes Mundinger and Sophia Hirsch. If you are looking for even more recommendations we advise you to check out the Gallery Weekend Guide by our friend Eva from ArtBerlin. For our I HEART BERLIN-style recommendations have a look after the jump.

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The Weekly Event Guide

The Weekly Event Guide

Henrik Vibskov, Copyright Gestalten 2012

This week has the following highlights for us: A book presentation by Henrik Vibskov, a new queer club night at Backyard, many exhibitions and events at the gallery weekend and a big blogger fleamarket. This and much more after the jump.

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The Cool Week

Nerd Rules – Hot Cheese Crew

This weekend the Gallery Weekend Berlin is going into its next round and a lot of events circle around this art happening. For art lovers and gallery hoppers there are countless openings to attend. But there is also a lot more going on. My personal favorites being the concerts of Bodi Bill, the release party of OE Magazine and the live gig of my favorite young musician Rangleklods on Sunday. Look after the jump for this weeks events.

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