A Holistic Opera Experience about Gandhi: Satyagraha by Philip Glass
Proving once again that it’s the most forward thinking of the three Berlin Opera houses, the Komische Oper recently premiered the unique piece Satyagraha by Philip Glass.
This avant-garde opera from the 80s is all about the life of Mahatma Gandhi. For me Gandhi is one of the most controversial public figures of the last century. On the one hand being partly a leader in bringing peace, human rights and freedom to India, on the other hand also making many misogynist and racist statements that from today’s perspective are totally unacceptable.
Philip Glass’ piece of musical theater – is many things: a theater of ideas, a multimedia work of historic art, a political statement and an attempt to unite spiritual inwardness with modern enlightenment through artistic ritual. That is why this piece is not only a must-see for its music but also for the unique combination of dance and stage design. All shows this year are completely sold out. Therefore our dear readers are quite lucky that we are giving away 1×2 of the last available tickets for the show on the 5th of November 2017.