This Cute Ad Shows Why Germans Are Better Safe Than Sorry

This Cute Ad Shows Why Germans Are Better Safe Than Sorry

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Have you ever wondered why German lack in a certain sense of Humor? For humor, you need irony and exaggeration. Both skills are not necessarily imprinted in the German DNA. Also for some sort of comedic effect you need things to go a bit wrong. Not apocalyptic wrong like right now in this pandemic of course. Yet in every funny story, there is the right amount of wrong that makes you excited about how the hero*ine might gonna fix the problem.

One this is for sure: that Germans hate troubleshooting. No wonder they are one of the countries with the most insurance and safety measurements in the world. And this cautiousness makes Germans very successful in dealing with big problems (like the one we have right now on our hands). 

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Dating in Berlin: Why You SHOULD Date German Guys

Dating in Berlin: Why You SHOULD Date German Guys

I took me about a year of living in Germany to start feeling the challenges of life among Germans as a foreigner. Berlin had always been a dream for me, long before I even had any interest in partying, alcohol or other substances. I had always heard what everyone in the world seems to be hearing, that it is: a great multicultural place of freedom for artistic minds. So my first months living here were an exciting bliss even if I was working for a (rather particular) German family who lived nowhere near the city center, not in anyway close to Kreuzberg or Neukölln, but in a small village in the woods that was technically still Berlin but felt like a whole other world. This didn’t discourage me though, I took the bus (not even the S-Bahn went as far as where they lived, ah!) every evening after work to go to punk shows in cool squatted houses.

Half a year later when I finally broke free from my nanny job and moved to Friedrichshain I was still very excited and with no more job or endless bus trips to get anywhere, I felt free, alive and learned the real party ways. But then, another six months later, I started noticing all the small things my expat friends always seemed to complain about: passive aggressive Germans in the supermarket line, passive aggressive Germans who press the speed pedal of their car if they spot you jaywalking, passive aggressive Germans doing all these annoying little things all the time.

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