On Saturday Claudio and I went to the book release party of Henrik Vibskov‘s first book about his work at the Gestalten Space. To make the event a bit more special he used the exhibition space for a little live performance. Claudio was not really impressed by this psychedelic presentation, but I liked so I made some animated GIFs out of the moving sculpture that he created. Check them out after the jump along with some impressions of the party.
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by Frank | Fashion, Party

Shola and the cat by Cooper & Gorfer
Ouf, this week is pretty full! And once again everything seems to happen in one day (Thursday). The Berlin Press Days are taking place this weeks and this is the reason for a couple of exciting fashion events. We also have some nice concerts in the beginning of the week and a couple of interesting art openings toward the end. Have a look after the jump!
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by Frank | Art, Fashion, Music, Party

Today we would like you to take a look at the Gestalten Space at the Sophie-Gips-Höfe in Mitte right across from Barcomi’s Deli. The gorgeous space is far more then just a book shop. In the store you can buy not only the beautiful books of Berlin’s coolest publish house Gestalten but also household accessories and designer toys. The space is also home to a coffee bar and a big exhibition space that will be used for the artists that are published by Gestalten. Find photos and a video of the opening party over at the Gestalten Space Tumblr. Look after the jump for more details and impressions.
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by Frank | Galleries, Mitte, Places, Shops