The Talented Female Photographers of Berlin

The Talented Female Photographers of Berlin

Today is the very first time in history that the International Women’s Day is celebrated in Berlin as an official public holiday. What better occasion could there be to introduce you to a hand-picked selection of our favorite female photographers in Berlin?

As with many creative guides on iHeartBerlin, with this article, we want to create a supportive space to celebrate the many many talents, that Berlin has to offer. Especially in the field of photography and visual content creation, there is an incredibly wide array of interesting female voices that we think you should know about. Enjoy our selection of amazing ladies, who create outstanding work with their cameras.

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The Amazing Women of Berlin

The Amazing Women of Berlin

photo: Thomas_k

I’ve been in Berlin for a year now. It’s been a great adventure involving a good deal of self-exploration, and I’ve already covered some aspects of it on the blog. And, quite ironically, that’s the part I find most exciting – the fact that I’ve slowly started to carve out my path as a writer. And I can’t complain about the lack of inspiration. As a matter of fact, Berlin is home to quite a lot of amazing, independent women who have a clear vision of themselves and work hard every day to make it their reality. Following the tradition of previous years we want to recapture the past year by honoring the amazing women that have done great things in these past twelve months.

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