“Vertreibung” by Michi Schneider
Art universities are a places of deep mystery for me. I often hear stories and anecdotes from several friends who studied in such places but I never got a clue on how these places really work. I guess it is somehow also intended to be like this. Imagine if the process of creating and teaching art would become transparent to everybody, it would loose definitely a lot of its magic.
Anyway, I try every year to visit the art universities graduation shows, not only because I love to scout for fresh new talents but also because I love to challenge my brain with the following problem: How can you give an artwork a grade and even a degree? Especially with very abstract artworks it is a challenge to imagine that somebody (I always imagine an art professor looking like Dumbledore with a white shirt full of color sprinkles) has given this a grade.
If you want to challenge yourself with the same question I invite you to visit the exhibition cool runnings by the graduates of Weißensee until the 30th of July. Some of the presented sculptures and paintings are really impressive. My favorites in the sculpture department was a flying boat called Syrenale made out of wood and neon lights by Anselm Schenkluhn. The illustration by Markus Scheunemann was also very intriguing – it was called Alice, tell me your wonderland and portrayed a very sexual interpretation of the story with a lot of pornographic Berlin scenery.
Call me shallow but my favorite painting was the one by Michi Schneider called Vertreibung showing Beyoncé as the Holy Mary next to a black kid being on the run. It hits the nerve on the recent refugee situation where our so-called Christian country is totally out of line in all political decisions right now. Enjoy some impressions of the exhibition after the jump and try to go there if you can. Read on…
by Claudio | Art
photos: Michael Wittig
In a time where fashion needs to be fast, easy and sellable it’s a pretty ballsy move from the ESMOD School of Design to push their students to such eccentric and conceptual collections. Many other design school have resorted to a more market-oriented design philosophy which I can totally understand, but it’s really sad because it kind of kills the idea that fashion should be inspiring and innovative. If you just follow the pressure of the market you are not really being inspiring or innovative at all.
When I look at the new collections of the graduates from ESMOD I see only creativity, wild ideas and big dreams. This is why I enjoy the ESMOD shows more and more each year because they are such a source of entertainment and inspiration for me. What I also appreciate is the level of sophistication that has improved significantly each year. I know the school is really tough and demanding on their students, but the results are excellent. Let’s have a look at some of my favorite collections (which are almost all of them that were shown this past Saturday) and see if we can find the next Marina Hoermanseder in there somewhere.
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by Frank | Fashion, Photos
After all the different fashion graduates shows of last week we are now moving onward to the work of the art students. This past weekend several universaties and schools had open doors to exhibit the work of their students and graduates. The Kunsthochschule Weißensee opened their graduates exhibition on Friday at the Kühlhaus at Gleisdreieck (those fashion experts amongst you know this place from SEEK). The exhibition titled Reif is still going on until the end of the week with a few special events on the weekend and you should definately check it out as there is some great art to be seen. For me personally I liked it better the higher I went in the building. They actually use the entire space, all 5 floors and the backyard so there is a lot to discover and the art ranges from sculpture, installation, film, photography and painting. My absolute favorite was the toy man by Aimo Gräven which you can see in the detail shot above. Enjoy more impressions after the jump on 2 pages.
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by Frank | Art, Photos
On Monday of last week the students and graduates of the Kunsthochschule Weissensee unofficially opened the Berlin Fashion Week with a runway show of their work and final collections at the backyard and gallery of the Aufbauhaus in front of Prince Charles. It had to overcome some obsticles in the form of heavy rain that caused a delay, a short blackout and a slippery runway. But the designs made up for the circumstance and they delivered an interesting and diverse show with many great and inspiring looks and ideas. As we love to support young talents we want to use our platform to present you some of the work we have seen at the seefashion14 show. Enjoy our gallery after the jump on 4 pages.
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by Frank | Fashion, Photos
On Monday night the ESMOD Berlin – School of Design showcased the first graduates of their new Bachelor program of fashion design on a runway at the new Bikini Berlin. We’ve been following their graduate shows for a while now and are always amazed by the talent that this school is bringing out. Every year the collections seem to be better than before and this year we liked almost every single one of them. Especially the amount of menswear is exciting for us and those collections we liked a lot. We totally agree with the three awarded collections by Jean-Cédric Sow, who won the Jury Price, Thomas Cardelli who won the Creator Price and Sojin Park who received the Golden Needle. Looking forward to what these designers will be doing in the future! After the jump you can see a huge photo set of our favorite looks. Enjoy!
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by Frank | Fashion, Photos