Berlin’s Iconic Subway Design as a foldable Chair & Table Set

Berlin’s Iconic Subway Design as a foldable Chair & Table Set

When product designer Stefanie Grau asked me if I would like to design a piece of furniture and become part of her newly formed grey collective I was more than thrilled to say yes. She had developed a set of chairs and a table that are fully foldable thanks to a high-tech fiber that connects all the parts. The idea is that when you fold the chairs or the table into its flat form they become canvases. So they are not only practical and easily stored, they can also become decorative items on your walls.

With a design so universal and minimal it really felt like the sky is the limit. Fellow collective members 44flavors created a quite colorful pattern, while Sara Parsons decided to go for a minimal design with lines and curves. Stefanie herself also designed a few sets going for subtle color surfaces and gradients.

For my own surface design I decided to do something very Berlin, giving a reference to one of the most iconic things we have here: Our yellow subway. I picked up the color palette and also created a version of the iconic blue and red seat pattern that incorporates yet another famous Berlin symbol (I detail which I dare you to find yourself!).

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