Blitz XIV Party Photos

Blitz XIV Party Photos

photos: Jens Wernscheid

While I am enjoying my last days in Buenos Aires our Jens was so kind to go to the Blitz party for me and take some photos. I think the results are quite phantastic! Enjoy the Blitz XIV photos after the jump.

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The Weekend Party Guide (without Berlinale)


Movies? Parties! This is where you can meet the stars, that couple with the most beautiful – of – all – but –  scarily skinny wife with the ageing bloke Brangelina, that old guy Antonio Banderas, the ever beautiful Salma Hayek and the vampire boy – they’re all here and they like to party too! You don’t care at all? Ja, me neither. No Berlinale parties in this guide, just pure Berlin fun after the jump: Read on…

Coloured Partyguide

Daria Marchik & Tata Christiane DAMTATAC ® Label : “Wear is Art” Exposition
Image: Tata Christiane Couture by Madame Peripete

It’s grey and it’s wet but the weekend seems colourful and promising. And since the weather is too bad to stumble around on a Sunday’s fleamarket you could as well go for a little dance could you. Parties after the jump:

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