Summertime is Yogatime

Summertime is Yogatime

photo: Björn Ewers

Summer has surprisingly pop upped like a shop on Torstraße and is hopefully going to stay for a while.  Instead we would love to say goodbye to our winter bellies. They grew  around Christmas, became pregnant on Easter and have no intention to leave any time soon. Thankfully, this city is full of amazing fitness opportunities to choose from. But honestly speaking the regular sports would take quite a while to reshape us to the perfect sommer-lake-body. Extreme situation require for extreme measures. Therefore we recommend you to try Yoga and especially Hot Yoga. Going from the natural heat of the city to the artificial heat of a studio may seem absurd at first. But I reassure you that few things will make you get fit and toned again as this extreme way to exercise. Read our full yoga guide to Berlin to find out the best suited yoga studio for your kind of workout needs.  Also there will be a really big Yoga Festival here in Berlin where you can check out different workshops and yoga styles at a beautiful lake scenario. After the jump a stunning series of images that combines yoga and vivid, neon-lit typography shot by the Berlin photographer Björn Ewers. Happy Summer work out to everyone.

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A Yoga Guide to Berlin

A Yoga Guide to Berlin

photo: Bobby Collins

For a lot of people starting in a new year means also trying to accomplish the pronounced new year’s resolutions of starting a new sport or loosing weight. Fair enough, there are a lot of extreme methods to do so like starting a crazy diet without carbohydrates or running a marathon everyday. But most of the extremist fall back after a month or two in their old unhealthy habits. A good way for starting slowly doing something for your health, spirit and body shape is yoga. Not only does it help even the most unfit person to get back into shape, but also gives you great balance in so many other areas like mental focus, healthy eating, balanced emotions and true human kindness. I started doing yoga after a serious break up and it was the best thing that could have happened to me and to my health.

That is why I want to give you some help in navigating through all the different yoga studios and yoga styles there are in Berlin. I found out that some people have a lot of prejudices against yoga and I also realized that many people don’t know that there are very different styles of yoga. Furthermore yoga is also about your personal search for the right teacher and the right way of doing it for your body. So this little guide may be just a helping push in the one or other direction. But everyone who is truly interested in an enlightening and healthy yoga experience must search for his own way of doing it. You might definitely find out that yoga can be one of the most time-consuming things in your life, because it only works on a regular basis. But it will also be the most rewarding thing for your overall health of body and spirit. My recommendations after the jump.

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