Today we have our favorite label from Leipzig in our Cinéma de Mode: Howitzweissbach. They shot their latest fashion film for their 6th collection titled Icons in Paris. There is probably no better urban backdrop as the city of love. The new Spring/Summer 2013 collection is an homage to famous female icons such as Lady Di, Twiggy, Marlene Dietrich, Greta Gabor and Emilie Flöge. So it comes to no surprise that the designs incorporate a lot of iconic elements from various decades from the early to mid 20th century, all of them in a contemporary remix in shades of pastel green and beige, as well as classic black and white.
The film itself, shot by Moritz Freudenberg, has its very own character that seems to be independent from the theme of the collection. It combines the garments with the beautiful architecture of Paris, revealing the details with quirky and unexcepted movements and interesting angles. The colors of the city perfectly complement the colors scheme of the clothes, making this a visually perfect interpretation of the collection. Enjoy the film after the jump.
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by Frank | Fashion, Videos
photo: Thomas Dachs
In this week’s edition of the Cinéma de Mode we have a label from Leipzig. Howitzweissbach is one of the 10 German labels that are part of our Designer Scouts export program for the Fashion & Art Toronto Festival. They just released a video of their guerilla presentation of their collection video at Paris Fashion Week. They took a portable projection screen, posted themselves in front of the major fashion shows and showed their film. This way the fashion people had some entertainment while waiting in line for the next runway show. Clever! Enjoy the little documentary film about this, as well as the actual fashion film shot by Thomas Dachs for their collection Tradition after the jump.
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by Frank | Fashion, Videos

For those who might wonder, what kind of clothes there will be at the SKYY SWAP MARKET, apart from all the vintage pearls that you guys are bringing to the Swap Spots Das Neue Schwarz, La Lip and Glücklich Am Park these days there is also gonna be lots of great clothes by the hottest young and avantgarde designers in town which are:
C.Neeon, JULIAANDBEN, Adddress, Esther Perbandt, A.D.Deertz, Franzius, Blame, Mikenke, Moga E Mago, Carni, Aschön, Burkhardt Möllmann, Howitzweissbach, Von Bardonitz, Ica Watermelon, Magdalena Schaffrin, Tata Christiane, Maniko, Comtesse de la Haye, Gabriel & Schwan, 25 Pieces and quite a few more.
After the jump you will get a small preview of some of the pieces that are gonna be available at the market. We will publish them all one by one on the new Designer Scouts blog. Make sure to register for the swap market and for the party here.
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by Frank | Fashion