Sunday is Open-Air-Day

FM Belfast

Sunday is becoming more and more the Berliner’s favourite party day. But especially on beautiful sunny days like these coming out from a dark and sweaty club just doesn’t feel as good as dancing in the summer breeze. Heineken picked up on this trend and invites you to a special summer open air party in a really unique place. Next sunday Heineken Greensphere takes place at the Treptower Insel. On top of the great location amazing live acts like FM Belfast, Foals (DJ Set), Hunee, Hugo Capablanca and Remmidemmi will give you the right beats. We are giving away 1×2 free tickets and Heineken DJ Headphones on our Facebook page. You can also still win tickets over at Heineken. More information about the event and the headphones after the jump. Read on…

Last Chance for a Dance!

A week and a day left until Christmas eve! This weekend is your last chance for a night out in a pre-Christmas-Berlin. Let me tell you, Christmas and New Year’s Day, both relatively exciting, but then there is nothing but a very long winter. Enjoy the snow and the lights in December, cause January and February are really gross. Comfy is that both months are a good time for party nights, long partynights. Like the ones right after the jump:

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