How to find the closest Späti in Berlin

How to find the closest Späti in Berlin

photo: Robert Agthe / CC

The Spätis are as much of a trademark for Berlin as the TV tower or the Berliner Bear. The quirky little shops full of bottles and some often weird selection of supermarket goods are all over the city and a lot of people (mostly those too lazy or to unorganized to go to the next real supermarket) live off of these shops. Lately the beloved Spätis have been endangered by new laws that want to prohibit their Sunday opening hours and the beer benches in front of the popular late-night and after hour hang-outs. Who ever came up with these new laws: Shame on you! You are destroying one very great part of Berlin.

But here is a fun new project that celebrates the Spätis like they should be. It’s a new app developed by Clemens Morris that let’s you search the closest Späti near you. It’s really cool, especially if you are not in your own neighborhood or when you are new in town. If you walk by a Späti that hasn’t been listed yet, you can also submit one yourself or repost a closed one.

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Berlin Goods: D3LTA – The new Photo Art App

Berlin Goods: D3LTA – The new Photo Art App

While the first two entries of our new series Berlin Goods were quite physical products made in Berlin our third one is from another nature. D3LTA is a brand new, really amazing photo app for iPhone and Android that was developed here at Stattbad Wedding by Christian Reich and his studio Rainbow Unicorn. The app will transform your photos into some amazing kaleidoscopic collages that could easily become the album cover of the next indie hipster band. It’s super fun to try out all the different filters on your photos and create your own little pieces of artwork. Speaking of which: Of all the submissions Christian will curate an exhibition of the best works that will take place later this year here in Berlin. We love the idea of that and can’t wait to see the results soon! After the jump a few impressions of the app.

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