Urban Myths of Berlinale: James Franco and the Berlinale Bag

Urban Myths of Berlinale: James Franco and the Berlinale Bag

photos: Skylar Kang

Somehow this year’s Berlinale seems to be celebrated with much more enthusiasm, glamour and invasiveness then the years before. Even our little blog managed to publish already much more articles about this particular event then ever before.
Why is it so you might ask? Is it maybe all because of James Franco pushing the limits in time, space and physics being omnipresent all around the city. Just yesterday a friend asked me if I think we might get expelled out of town just because we have not met James Franco yet (and I am not 100% sure). Or might it be that my theater friends are right and the movie people are all impostors who managed somehow to give the business a pure dose of glamour injection not only causing botoxed faces but also total oblivion to the sponsors of the festival?

Anyway one thing that stays somehow reassuringly unchanged is the distressing bad design of the Berlinale bags. Trying to explain this obscure urban myth repeating itself in its painful atrocity every year I collected some thoughts after the jump.

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The Hollywood Week

James Franco: Actor & Artist

This guide comes a little late as I had a massive hangover on Sunday, but better late then not at all. This week we have quite a mixed programm, ranging from dirty dancing, serious eating, and hollywood stars as artists. Read on for this week’s menu after the jump.

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