photo: oh_hedwig
Just recently we told you about some of the most famous writer Exiles of Berlin. Today we get down to the nitty-gritty and present to you some books that revolve around Berlin. You will recognize some of the featured authors here. We’re concentrating on giving you a list that features books that are available both in German and in English. Since the current weather is perfect for a good, long read, we present to you our very own Berlin reading list. Without further ado, here are ten books that you should get your hands on. Right after the jump. Read on…
by Yasmin | Books
Wladimir Kaminer, photo: Katja Hentschel
Excuse me for repeating myself. I have to emphasize though, just how much of Berlin’s spirit is shaped by the many different parts and past particles floating in the air – stories that are engraved in house walls, moments that are carrying on. All the tears cried in bars, all the words spoken on park benches, every fight in front of a house: worth telling and still palpable. When you walk around the city, you don’t see them. But be sure to know: the city’s vibe is made of every single one of them.
Germany is the country of poets and thinkers, of word acrobats and phrase artists. A great deal of writers and poets have seen the light of day here and – at some point or another – lived in Berlin. We did some researching and now present to you part 2 of our series “Famous Exiles of Berlin” – the writers edition. From Kafka to Kaminer, we present to you a list of 10 famous and gifted writers and chroniclers – of poets, that graced this city with their presence at some point. Right after the jump. Read on…
by Yasmin | People
photo: Vanek London
Even if youʼve never heard of the Naked Boys Reading before—you kind of get the idea. Itʼs literally naked boys, reading. What is a huge success in London and Brighton comes to Berlin for the fourth time on February 25, 2016, and this time as a 2-4-1 special with two naked boys reading at the same time. Founder Dr. Sharon Husbands will be your host together with the infamous Berlin drag queen Pansy. Sharon Husbands partner in crime, The Duchess of Pork, will be serving tunes before, in between, and after the readings. Hand-picked boys will read their favorite stories in pairs of two wearing not more than a book. Support for this event has been provided by the Berlin publishing house Bruno Gmünder. After the literal meat inspection, the party will go on with a performance by Berlin-based MJ Woodbridge… A little preview after the jump.
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by Guest Author | Books, Events, Party
The surroundings of Kottbusser Tor have become part of the intense nightlive and gay scene since a couple of years now. An important anchor for everything that goes on in this area is a bar called Möbel Olfe. The bar has been synonymous for sex-hungry gay bears, beer-drinking lesbians and fun-seeking expats. It might sound a bit extreme but in the end it has never disappointed me by being a relaxed and great place to hang out with my friends and meeting new people.
A while ago, when we published the Strange Magic anthology, we had a nice story from our beloved author Kevin Junk about the Strange Magic of Möbel Olfe. Now he and his author friend Chloe Zeegen have joined forces to create a unique reading night at Möbel Olfe. Both of them have a full set of amazing stories to read from about the amazing nights they spend their. More details after the jump.
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by Claudio | Bars, Kreuzberg

street art by Miss Van, photo by Dr Case at Flickr
Who is more successful? The pretty woman that everybody just loves because of her beauty? Or the ugly one who might be more intelligent or funnier but probably depressed and unsatisfied? Exactly these are the thoughts that young and enterprising women have to face. Why I think I should become less superficial and which two special young authors I would like to compare, you’ll find out in the German version of this article.
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by Claudio | Entertainment, Events

illustrations by Andreas Töpfer
This weekend is all about one of your senses. The intellectual ear is invited to enjoy the best contemporary German literature, some great singer songwriters and some worth- listening-to newcomer bands at the LAN Festival. Actually I am pretty sure that there will be a lot of pearls to discover. So even if you are not the reading type you should let yourself be surprised. I was there two years ago and was especially thrilled by the singer songwriters. So take the chance to immerse in this wonderful festival and enjoy its incredible atmosphere. More illustrations from Andreas Töpfer and infos after the jump.
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by Claudio | Entertainment, Events, Kreuzberg, Music