<MEISTERSTÜCKE> Berlin-based AI Creates Portraits of 12 Urban Artists Using their Own Artworks

<MEISTERSTÜCKE> Berlin-based AI Creates Portraits of 12 Urban Artists Using their Own Artworks


Visual arts have lived through quite the revolution since the digital age. The possibilities to bend images to your will by changing a few numbers in a computer are practically infinite. Today, we don’t even have to use a computer anymore, as we can create stunning artworks with the help of apps on our phones.

One of the most curious developments of digital art, though, comes from artificial intelligence. Artworks done by AIs have been around for some years but really started to become a thing back in 2018 when auction house Christie’s in New York sold a piece for almost half a million by an AI called “Obvious” that was programmed by a collective from Paris. It’s an exciting concept, trusting programs and algorithms to create something that we humans can emotionally connect to.

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Berlin Street Art: The Low Bros

Berlin Street Art: The Low Bros

It’s always fun to see Berlin-based streetartists being acclaimed  in international  street art blogs. The Low Bros are somehow really getting popular out there which is amazing – but I have the feeling that the Berliners don’t really know them that much. The urban art team Low Bros consists of the two brothers Qbrk and Nerd, born in Hamburg. They’re currently based in Hamburg and Berlin. When they where children the two brothers loved to draw and invented their own little stories and fantasy worlds while playing in the backyard or being in the countryside. You’ll still find both influences, urbanity and nature,  in their work today. I love their space/cubistic fox art and I see it everyday on my way out. Enjoy some pics of their art after the jump.

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