10 Years Monster Ronson’s Party Photos

10 Years Monster Ronson’s Party Photos

photos: Alicia Kassebohm

Sometimes more simply IS more. That’s how it went at the 10th anniversary party of Monster Ronson’s Ichiban Karaoke on Monday. Despite many other special guests and performers, like Ziúr and ReveRso, the band Eat Lipstick quite rocked it – not only by celebrating birth(day), when Mad Kate came out naked underneath Anita Drink’s dress. If you didn’t wake up with glitter everywhere the next morning, you’ve cleary done something wrong. Enjoy the photos after the jump.

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The Weekly Event Guide

The Weekly Event Guide

Bodi Bill

You can tell it’s the middle of the summer whole by the small amount of events going on these days. But at least we are looking forward to one big fat highlight on Friday: The big glamorous charity swapping party the SKYY VODKA SWAP MARKET is taking place again, this time and Café Moskau and Bodi Bill will be DJing at the party, yeay! This and more events after the jump.

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