Bloody girl at Halloween Haunted House
Get out that spooky dress, all the fake blood and storm the only proper decoration shop we got in this little town: Halloween approaches! And why do we celebrate Halloween? Because the Americans told us? Actually in order to get rid of the creatures of hell who are heading to earth by the time the dark period of the year begins. In this very night we dress like them, so they can’t get hold of us, can’t grab us in the dark of the night. Remember this if you planned to leave the house without a costume, mate. Halloweenie and unhalloweeni parties after the jump:
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by Suz | Party

Actually Iam not sure if I only dreamt it but I feel like someone told me that The Maria am Ostbahnhof is about to close down soon. “Just another club” you’re thinking? Party as hard as you can, because I give it 5 years more until Berlin is a nuclear wasteland-clubwise. Ok, let’s say 8. Parties after the jump:
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by Suz | Party

Ok, this weekend it’s all about Wurst, horses, meat, utopia, bass, demo, republic, gentlemen and swimming. This time a bit more for those of you who are culturally interested, here are your favourite partytips:
Vernissage at Bergstübl and Lucas Carrieri Gallery (Torstr. 96 as usual) tonight, go and absorb some art, ignoramous! If you just don’t care but got nasty collywobbles, have a proper German Wust tonight, at the opening of Fleischerei as a traditional Berlin Currywurst Restaurant at Torstr. 116. Yummie… More parties after the jump.
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by Suz | Events, Party

Fotos by Inga Seevers
On Thursday a few thousand years ago, holy Jesus went up into his father’s arms. Let’s celebrate and let the music lift you up to heights, too. Scala has its last weekend, it’s so sad, but the rumours say that maybe relentless Conny soon has a new thing going on somewhere in Wedding. Amen and stuff.
Indie action on Wednesday at Magnet Club with Dj sets by Sugarplum Fairy who will sail beyond doubt, Nachlader and many more!! At Ballhaus Berlin number six of the Big Bajoo Nights is gonna take place tonight. For more infos and more parties take a look after the jump.
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by Suz | Events, Party