One of the questions that I get the most as a blogger is not how I come up with my stories or what I want to accomplish with the blog, it’s how I make the blog work as a business, or more specifically: how I make money with it. It’s actually quite a bold question to ask someone, but I can understand where it comes from. Even though blogs have now been around for over 10 years in Germany, it still is a fairly new medium – people have a lot of questions about it.
The magic words are “brand collaborations”. If you want to break it down into more simple terms you could also call it advertising, but what we do and how we do it is quite different from traditional advertising that you might know from TV or magazines. We want to explain a little…
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by Frank | Stories

Last week I found a green little book in my mailbox. It was a school book with my name on it. It countained a printed version of one of our articles with spelling and grammar remarks and a personal letter to me from a PR lady from PONS who just released their brand new online spelling service. Usually press mailings are not that creative, but this one was really cute. Well done!
Back at school I was totally anal about spelling and grammar. Usually I made no mistakes no matter how long the texts. But then came along the spelling reformation and that totally messed me up. The fact that most of the articles in this blog are pretty much written on the fly doesn’t help either. So the spelling service might actually be a good thing to keep this site clean. If you want to know what grade I got from PONS for my article check after the jump.
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by Frank | Misc.