Naked Berliners – The Daily Portrait Project

Naked Berliners – The Daily Portrait Project

One of the best parts about coming to Berlin is the opportunity to meet new people. Berlin has so many wonderful people living here or passing through. And for a lot of people who visit or live here, this is what makes the city special to them. The openness, the diversity, the beauty of the difference.

For Czech artist Martin Gabriel Pavel it must have felt exactly like that. And he thought to himself: What better way to meet new people in Berlin than taking pictures of them naked? Yes, in any other city you would probably not have a lot of success, but here everything is possible. Daily Portrait Berlin is a kind of chain reaction started by Martin and now living a life of its own. He started the process by taking a picture of Elle in her apartment. Naked. She than took his camera and made a photo of M, who in turn took a photo of Jonathan, and so on. The next one in line can be a friend or a stranger. He or she doesn’t have to be naked. It could be you. See a selection of the results of the series of 365 photos below and follow the project on here.

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