The Pyramid Party is the new Crazy Drag Ritual Berlin Needs Right Now

The Pyramid Party is the new Crazy Drag Ritual Berlin Needs Right Now

Could you imagine going sober-raving with a bunch of alien-like drag queens in Oberschöneweide? Neither did I until I went to the Pyramid Party. 

I have had my fair share of strange things in Berlin in the last couple of years. Approximately 16 years ago I came to this city as a young and curious psychology student and did not imagine what a rollercoaster ride was expecting me and my body. Yet last February one particular event became one of the top special experiences: the Pyramid Party. Before this particular event repeats itself this weekend I would like to share with you my experience of the last time I went there. 

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The Berlin Movement Dose of Pleasure is bringing  back the Joy of Dancing together

The Berlin Movement Dose of Pleasure is bringing back the Joy of Dancing together

Photography by Rita Couto ©,  Berlin 2021

Finally, Berlin is getting its open-air dance floors back this weekend. Yet there was one particular dance movement that brought people together with electronic music even during the lockdown. If you haven’t heard about it yet, it’s really time you find out about Dose of Pleasure, because once you tried it you will be addicted to it. I promise. 

Basically, Dose of Pleasure is a collective dance meditation that starts usually quite softly, gets energetic with time, and lets you groove to electronic music in a completely different way than you would do in a “normal” night out in a club. The method behind the movement of Dose of Pleasure was created in March 2020, when the first lockdown hit Berlin and the world. Based on his experience with the Berlin night live, the dance teacher Alvin Collantes created a way to move with yourself and get deep into the groove. 

Last summer, the movement had regular raves happening in different locations all over town. This Saturday 19th there will be the first public dance demonstration again happening at Tempelhofer Feld. You can find more about the event and the schedule over here. 

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Dose of Pleasure: Raving and Dancing at a Safe Distance Tempelhofer Feld

Dose of Pleasure: Raving and Dancing at a Safe Distance Tempelhofer Feld

Summer is slowly awakening Berlin from the long winter sleep and many people miss the long nights out with their friends in their favorite clubs. While many clubs are now proposing outdoor beer garden concepts, this might not be the perfect solution for the passionate raver and dancer among us. 

It’s not a surprise that the amount of illegal raves at Hasenheide and in the forests surrounding the city has increased dramatically over the last weeks. Many might not feel comfortable with the idea of throwing themselves into a big crowd of strangers. Others can’t suppress their desire anymore for a night out with music and dancing. It feels a bit twisted that something so natural like dancing together has to be postponed to an unknown future. Yet the Pandemic is not over and the international development of numbers shows that the world is still in a fragile state. 

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12 Great Yoga & Mindfulness Events this Summer in Berlin

12 Great Yoga & Mindfulness Events this Summer in Berlin

When opening our eyes every morning, we have hundreds of tasks raining down on us the minute we become conscious of our day. Of all that needs to be done, demands to be met, calls to be made, deadlines keep up with. Well aware of the fact that life in a busy city like Berlin can become stressful, loud and overwhelming for us once in a while, we would like to introduce you to methods that will keep your mind and body sane and happy.

To all of you who are new to the concept of mindfulness, you can look forward to our new series of posts, that will teach you more about how to get back to happiness in a place that is so full of noise and demands. To start, we picked some fun and helpful events and workshop for this summer that will get you started and your mind and body back to balance.


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The Art of Intuitive Archery in Berlin Kreuzberg

The Art of Intuitive Archery in Berlin Kreuzberg

Both my parents studied German Philosophy at University.  The hallway of our home was an entire library filled with old books showcasing the Stars of this particular scene. From Kant to Nietzsche, we had them all year around us and our lives. One day I discovered one particular book that was called “Zen and the Art of Archery”. Little did I know as a teenager that this book was a tremendous bestseller back in the days when German philosophy was really hip and cool. It’s about a German professor going to Japan to learn more about Zen. On top of getting philosophy lessons the old Japanese master also teaches him archery.

Now, nearly 15 years after discovering this book I am going to my first intuitive archery lesson here in Berlin. On Kottbusser Damm I am looking for a Dojo called BerlinAikido where I am meeting my teacher Latifa Rothacker.

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Agape Zoe – The Coolest Yoga Festival in Berlin

Agape Zoe – The Coolest Yoga Festival in Berlin

photos: Grit Siwonia

Yoga is just for yuppies, for crazy hippie women or for body fanatics. The prejudices about yoga are numerous and persistent. And they are all true. Because yoga is for everybody. The yoga world is one of the most non-excluding bubbles I have ever stumbled upon. Either you wear a suit and work in a bank all week or wear a long hippie gown and sell tea in a tea shop. It doesn’t matter anymore when you are standing on the mat practicing yoga together. And that is actually kind of the best social side effect of yoga. People who would never interact with each other start speaking with a cup of tea in their hand after the class. For me it is the diversity of people practicing yoga that makes it a great social adventure all the times I go to my sun yoga studio.

If you are intrigued by this world of yoga and spirituality but never got the chance to experience it I can warmly recommend the Agape Zoe Festival. Inside in the paradisiac Eden Studios (where contemporary dancers train during the week) this weekend from September 10th till 11th a great spectrum of yoga, meditation and other approaches to all kinds of mind and body practices are presented. And since it is Berlin after the yoga classes there will be a nice electronic DJ set to finish gloriously. If you want to participate you can buy a ticket our take part in our raffle in the comments area. Check out their website for more info and watch the trailer and more photos after the jump.

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Your Space – A new Place for Yoga & Meditation in Berlin

Your Space – A new Place for Yoga & Meditation in Berlin

photos: Alicia Kassebohm

The fertile fuel of the mythic Berlin of the 90s and early 2000s was the abundance of unused buildings and spaces all around the city, especially in the East. So many business opportunities for small entrepreneurs, night clubs, music venues and even for yoga studios became possible through affordable space. This created a spirit of daring, bold minds open to new and experimental entrepreneurial concepts. And even if the rents nowadays are rising, this spirit remains to enrich the city day by day with yet another new amazing local business.

One month ago my friend and Yoga teacher Michaela Aue discovered a hidden gem in the second backyard of Prenzlauer Allee: an unused loft space with the rough Eastern charm of 90s Berlin. The space inspired her to team up with meditation expert Sophie Weiser to create a unique idea: Your Space – a creative hub that doesn’t need a label. Your Space will offer regular yoga and meditation classes during the week and unique and inspiring workshops in different disciplines on the weekend. Well connected to the local scene Michaela and Sophie gathered some of the best teachers and practitioners in town to celebrate the art of connecting body and mind.

Check out their weekly schedule here and follow them on Facebook for news and updates. More pictures, address and info after the jump.
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Forever Now Festival – A Transformational Journey

Forever Now Festival – A Transformational Journey

Going with the sense of time, a first-ever new festival is coming to Neue Heimat in the beginning of September with one question in mind: What makes one’s life worth living? How can we help to shape and transform our future to form a society that we want to live in? It’s about you as an individual, us as a culture and the society we’re living in. The organizers of the new Forever Now Festival created a line-up that approaches this topic from different angles – from interactive sessions to talks, music and food. Read more about it after the jump and find our how to win festival passes.

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