Explore the Most Significant Places Along the Former Berlin Wall

Explore the Most Significant Places Along the Former Berlin Wall


With our brand new tour, we’re going to explore something we’ve talked about already in many of our history-themed pieces before, but we’ve never actually created a guide for: The Berlin Wall. That one element of Berlin’s past that has shaped the cities in endless ways and continues to do so.

But we’re not doing just any tour, we’re doing a tour with one of the new e-scooters that have been popping up on the streets recently: Circ.

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A Hotspot for Music and Culture: The Montreux Jazz Festival

A Hotspot for Music and Culture: The Montreux Jazz Festival

I’m standing in front of the tallest, most powerful water fountain I have ever seen. Water shoots into the sky like some sort of glorious tower of refreshment. I’m in Geneva, Switzerland – Germany’s neighbor to the south – at the southwestern tip of Lake Geneva. This is practically France, but more expensive. Some Italian friends drive up from nearby Milan and Turin, pick me up and we drive along the northern side of this lake through Lausanne to a lovely little town on the lake’s eastern end. A historic week of music happens here every year: the Montreux Jazz Festival. Invited by Jeep, I had the chance to get out of Berlin for a bit and explore this beautiful hotspot for music. Follow the jump for more about this unique escape from Berlin.

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