The Most Unusual Places for Classical Concerts in Berlin
Heimathafen Neukölln, photo: Verena Eidel / CC
A classical concert in a non-classical setting is just about the right kind of Wow-effect for your brain. The old and the new merge perfectly, creating something that is new. Gone are the times where classical music seemed old, a bit stiff and hard to understand for anyone who is used to the very different scales of, let’s say, mainstream pop. Nowadays, classical music seems to make an Ancora or – dare I say this: was never gone.
The thing that is changing about it though is the setting in which the music vibrates. What other place than progressive Berlin would provide the right kind of locations that frame these melodies from another century in a way that only this century could. See five of the most unusual places to enjoy a classical music concert right after the jump. Read on…