Nudity & History: The Most Popular Features in 2015

Nudity & History: The Most Popular Features in 2015

photo: Vanek London

It wouldn’t be New Year’s if there wouldn’t be some sort of review, look back or highlights list on here. Well, I’ve never been so crazy about these kinds of blog posts, but to be honest, this year was special for us. It’s been a big year for us and that’s mostly thanks to all the articles we’ve posted this year. In fact some of them were so successful that they enabled us the biggest audience we’ve ever had. So we wondered, which ones were those and why were they so attractive for our readers? Well, the results do give us answers and we want to share that with you, of course. So here it goes, our big round-up of 2015 in blogposts…

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Naked Boys Reading in Berlin

Naked Boys Reading in Berlin

photo: Vanek London

Even if youʼve never heard of the Naked Boys Reading before—you kind of get the idea. Itʼs literally naked boys, reading. What is a huge success in London and Brighton comes to Berlin for the fourth time on February 25, 2016, and this time as a 2-4-1 special with two naked boys reading at the same time. Founder Dr. Sharon Husbands will be your host together with the infamous Berlin drag queen Pansy. Sharon Husbands partner in crime, The Duchess of Pork, will be serving tunes before, in between, and after the readings. Hand-picked boys will read their favorite stories in pairs of two wearing not more than a book. Support for this event has been provided by the Berlin publishing house Bruno Gmünder. After the literal meat inspection, the party will go on with a performance by Berlin-based MJ Woodbridge… A little preview after the jump.
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