Creating a Berlin-themed piece of design without being too obvious and end up looking like cheap tourist merchandise is really a challenge. Gaspare Buzzatti and Lisa Filipini have managed this challenge quite masterfully with their necklace Pulsader – Berlin’s Beat. It’s huge metal pendant depicts the grid of Berlin’s center around the river Spree. It’s quite smart, because it resembles the city in an iconic way without using cliché shapes like the TV Tower or the Brandenburger Gate. No surprise this design won the first price of the souvenir competion of the Senat.
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by Frank | Fashion

I’ve been thinking about having some kind of fan-item for iHeartBerlin for a while now. When we were in London during Fashion Week last February the press badge at the Vauxhall Fashion Scout caught my attention. It was a golden laser-cut acrylic heart the size of a palm. I thought that would make a cool necklace.
I once again stumbled uppon some cool acrylic necklaces when I saw the 5Preview collection. I totally love the black pseudo Chanel logo necklace and I wear it a lot.
So a few weeks back I got an eMail by jewellery designer Suparina who runs a cute small jewellery store in Friedrichshain mainly aimed at a younger audience. And guess what her specialty is: Laser-cut acrylic. I told her about my idea and she was so kind to make this sweet necklace that you see above. I’ve been wearing it ever since and people keep grabbing it asking if they could have one. So, what do you think? You likey?
After the jump you will see some of Suparina‘s own designs, my favorite being the big pink transformer necklace.
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by Frank | Friedrichshain, Places, Shops