Dancing in the Neon Forest – Memory of Dislocation

Dancing in the Neon Forest – Memory of Dislocation

Berlin has become the home of many performance artists from around the world that find a space, opportunities, and connections here to create their own work. I often sit in the audience of these performances, and for me it feels like a privilege to be in contact with their creators. Listening and experiencing their stories from a foreign world is a unique way of traveling – more than anything else (of course with a little help of your imagination).

The dancer and choreographer Jair Luna takes you on journey to his homeland Colombia with his new solo piece Memory of Dislocation – Exactly the same in the opposite direction. In an abstract autobiographic narrative the young performer travels with his audience through light, space and time, from a Berlin dance floor to a forest of neon lights that seems like a beautiful yet dangerous cage, just to fall back in movements and stories from his hometown and childhood. You immediately feel like you are part of his storyline. You have to give up the passiveness, walk around the stage and just follow the path of a young man into his future.

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Post Graffiti


Mode 2

This Friday, one of my favourite galleries in Mitte Lucas Carrieri Art Gallery and Urban Affairs extended will be hosting a vernissage to introduce their latest collabo Post Graffiti – a collection of seven internationally renowned street and graffiti artists from the likes of Sharp, Delta, Mode 2, Eron, Neon, Ebon Heath and Czarnobyl, most of whom have added their creative talent to the Berlin street art landscape and beyond. And if you still think I’m going on about chemical elements and Greek alphabets, then slap me silly, call me Sally and check here and here before you set down your aerosol cans and flick to more pics after the jump.

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