5 Classic Berlin New Year’s Resolutions (and How to Not Fail at them Completely)

5 Classic Berlin New Year’s Resolutions (and How to Not Fail at them Completely)

photo: Katja Stückrath. 

Everyday life in Berlin is often compared to a very forgiving journey into the uncharted depths of your own identity and Berliners aren’t exactly known for keeping their promises. That might be one reason why New Year’s resolutions tend to fall into the same category as the signs prohibiting alcohol consumption on the U-Bahn – we are aware of them. To a varying extent.

But New Year’s resolutions don’t actually have to be these dreamed-up, unrealistic visions. We came up with 5 examples of positive change and some practical advice on how you could try implementing them into your Berlin life.

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Let’s do it right in the New Year!

Let’s do it right in the New Year!

photoRowena WaackCC

The year is coming to an end in just a few days; there is often a sense of relief in the atmosphere, as if we are truly excessively happy and grateful for the new year; it seems that every year there are some of us who will claim that that specific year has been horrible either because of personal mishaps or rather due to unfortunate developments that affected the entire world. Along with the good-riddance vibe many of us feel like making new resolutions, setting goals, promising to themselves that they will finally lose that extra weight, start learning mandarin, take more yoga classes or make their wildest dreams come true etc. It is, as if we automatically reset ourselves becoming concurrently confident that it will be different this time, we will not forget our goals and remember that we neglected them as soon as the following year comes to an end as well.

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Berlin is… Quiet and Thoughtful

Berlin is… Quiet and Thoughtful

photo: Franz Becker

Sometimes it’s hard to let go: It’s this time of the year again – the holidays. We’re supposed to be kind, quiet and loving. Yes, December is a cosy month, at least it’s hiding behind this romantic cover. But when we think about it, when we have those few quiet moments sitting by ourselves with candle light and time to breath, we realize: the December is stressful, and that is mainly because things are close to an end. It’s time to let go and spend some quality time with the whole family, but it’s mainly the goodbyes that creep up on us and leave an odd taste behind.

Indeed, everyone is rushing quietly – because things need to get done: Work needs to be finished, Christmas parties need to be celebrated, people need to be seen, everything is happening one last time before the year is over…

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New Year’s Eve Party Guide

There it is: The last Partyguide of 2011. What first seems scary could be leading the way through a jungle of bad parties. We filter the good ones for you a´la what’s in is in. Or is not yet. Or will never be, who are we to tell you what’s in? Details on New Year Eve parties after the jump: Read on…