The Notebooks for the Next Generation
Huawei MateBook X, photo: Katja Hentschel
A few weeks ago we were lucky to witness something quite special during a presentation at the Blogfabrik. Our partner Huawei who we’ve collaborated with recently for our smartphone vs. DSLR camera test invited us and a couple of blogger colleagues to introduce us to a brand new product that they had been working on. But it was not another edition of their high-end smartphone lines as we expected, this time it was something completely different that will expand the spectrum of the company into an entirely new market: notebooks. With the new Huawei MateBook X the brand revealed the long-awaited Windows operated alternative to the Macbook. Of course there have been other products on the market before, but to be honest so far I have seen nothing that comes close to these levels of design perfection and performance.
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