The Fruit Salad: GIF me a second Head, please

The Fruit Salad: GIF me a second Head, please

Yeay, I have my very own Fruit Salad website now here on I HEART BERLIN where you can watch all my episodes and find all my articles. It’s amazing and totally ingenious. Speaking about ingenious, when I was trying on my outfit for the shooting of the first episode, I had an ingenious idea. Would I look better with another head on top of me? I mean, seriously, what could be a better accessory then a whole head on your head. Well, I am not the only genius, because Charlie Le Mindu thought the same thing. The name of my head is Lola. Lola is from South America and she feels really cold here in Berlin so I had to give her a little woolthingy to feel better.

If you want to know more about my outfit: The crazy pattern dress is from Otto and all the rest is some vintage stuff I bought at several fleamarkets. See more photos and animated GIFs of the outfit after the jump.

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The Last Day of Fashion Week Outfit

The Last Day of Fashion Week Outfit

While my outfits for the first days of Fashion Week were a bit more daring toward the end of the week they became more comfortable and casual. Especially for the weekend, for the Wedding Dress festival for urban fashion, I chose a quite easy-going outfit. Inspired by my friend Bonnie Strange and centered around her T-Shirt from her bachelorette party I went with some layers of pastel shirts, a simple dark jeans and my Kenzo x Vans shoes. It’s kind of rare that I present my outfits like this but my colleagues from Two For Fashion, the blog by Otto that I have been contributing now for the past months, asked me to join in on the parade and I’m happy to do so. Read the little interview I gave about Fashion Week here. After the jump you get some more shots.

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