Vince and Owen versus a Glass of Wine

Vince and Owen versus a Glass of Wine

In hindsight I have absolutely no clue why I thought The Internship could possibly be a light-hearted film about the generation internship, maybe that addresses the clichés of our time, takes the young adults serious and shows what’s happening to a wider audience. Because it clearly and in no way is such a film…

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Wes Anderson Double Feature!

Wes Anderson Double Feature!

For weeks I have been planning to write about Moonrise Kingdom and Wes Anderson this week. In preparation I watched all his previous films again, read reviews and background info and watched the trailer again and again. What I forgot to do is go to the cinema. Well now it’s already Tuesday so instead of a review of Moonrise Kingdom all I can write is an introduction to Wes Andersons older pieces and promise to tell you all about his new film next week. So let’s get started on our Wes Anderson Double feature…

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