The Weekend Party Guide

The Weekend Party Guide

Win tickets for a roof top concert tonight!! Be quick by writing a mail to! Kater Holzig empty as it can be, Berghain ok, About Blank, trying hard. Club dying? No, the simple reason is the Fusion Festival. They’re all there. Fusion my ass? Ok, than we got some really nice parties for you after the jump: Read on…

The Weekend Party Guide (Brückentag)

The Weekend Party Guide (Brückentag)


Brückentag we call it, yiippiiiehh, not double, nor triple, it is a four – day – party! The weather forecast predicts open air parties, the new in town Berliner’s heart does a big jump: where when and who after the jump: Read on…

New Year’s Eve Party Guide

There it is: The last Partyguide of 2011. What first seems scary could be leading the way through a jungle of bad parties. We filter the good ones for you a´la what’s in is in. Or is not yet. Or will never be, who are we to tell you what’s in? Details on New Year Eve parties after the jump: Read on…

Butts up for Party!

Kinky we are this weekend. Springbreak in Berlin, everybody’s free. Take the clothes off, get rid of wool jackets and socks and enjoy the exciting nights that follow a mild day. Party recommendations as ususal after the jump:

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It’s all about variety, baby!

Cocktail D'Amoure Graphic

This weekend’s party guide is all about variety, my dearest party people. Because apart from the biggest techno mini-festival Twisted Elements (which we are raffeling off tickets in our Facebook Group btw.) this weekend we also have a knitting workshop, a burlesque drawing course, a crazy cake baking contest, a scary movie session, a bizzare metal fetish wear performance and the one or other cool party in the offering. Hop after the jump to make your weekend as colorful as possible…

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Interview with a Party Boy

Berlin is a magnet to the youth from all over the world. Especially the pulsating nightlife seems to be one of the main attractions. Illeagal parties in abandoned villas, dark and raunchy clubs in old industrial buildings, spontanous raves in the middle of a park, artsy opening events of quirky little galleries and decadent champagne receptions in expensive boutiques. Berlin seems to have it all.

But how do you find the places that are too new or too underground to be in a tourist guide book or on some website’s event listing? We have met someone who has dedicated himself to answering this question. For more than two years Frank has been running the blog which now seems to be the number one source for many to find the best parties. We talked to him about Berlin and it’s nightlife after he finished a 7 day party marathon last week. Read on for the “interview”.

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Rainy Days!


Rainy days never say goodbye
to desire when we are together
Rainy days growing in your eyes
Tell me where’s my way…

Our party recommendations for rainy days and nights after the jump!

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