photo: Tobias Nielsen / CC
With the sudden summer outbreak we had no other choice than to rethink our editorial schedule for the weekend to bring you something that will please you more than any party, exhibition or other indoor activity would do today. We’ve given you parks, we’ve given you outdoor pools and open air bars, we’ve given you bike routes – and now we’re going one step further and send you into the outskirts of Berlin to enjoy a bit of fun in the nature. Enjoy our list of the 5 most iconic destinations in the outskirts of Berlin.
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by Frank | Places
photo: steffimarla
Urban parks are more than just stretches of green amidst buildings and traffic. Entering a good park can change your whole sense of place, leaving you feeling like you just went away without leaving the city. We’ve compiled a list of 10 of our favorite parks, which run the gamut in size and features. Sprawled across the city, these urban oases all have something unique to offer, whether you’re in the mood for a picnic, a bike ride, a party or simply an afternoon stroll. Click on to start planning your next urban escape.
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by Skylar | Friedrichshain, Kreuzberg, Neukölln, Places, Prenzlauer Berg, Tempelhof, Tiergarten, Wedding
Neighboring districts Wedding and Gesundbrunnen can be seen as the Northern counterpart to the hip district of Neukölln, with its numerous cafés, bars, clubs and meeting points. Less gentrified than some other districts, these neighborhoods attract a more mature, eccentric and mixed crowd, and houses many attractions to accommodate. We’ve scouted out some interesting places to check out, whether you’re in the mood for a weekend of partying or just taking a stroll through the park. Click on to see the places loved by locals, and venture into some the coolest places in Wedding and Gesundbrunnen.
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by Skylar | Bars, Cafés, Clubs, Restaurants, Wedding
I think especially in sad and confusing times as these we all need a little bit of love and hope. To give you some positive thoughts today I would like to show you this wonderfully romantic photo series by Ines Kotarac. She create a little love story of two people that actually never met. Taken with an analogue camera on various locations in Berlin including the Tempelhof field she blends these two individuals together as if their story actually really belongs together. Enjoy the photo series after the jump.
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by Frank | Art, Photos, Stories
Tomorrow is a quite important day for the people of Berlin. Why? Because for the first time the whole city (and not just a district like in the last public voting for the Mediaspree) can decide whether or not the amazing free space of the former Tempelhof airport will remain the same or will be changed completely with a huge library, expensive luxury apartments and office buildings. A huge part of the field will remain a recreational area and apparently a part of the new appartments are supposed to be “affordable”, but the public is really mistrustful of these arguments, especially since a lot of the recent city developements have been anything but satisfactory for the people living here. Of course such construction plans always bring the risk of accelerating gentrification in the surrounding areas. Obviously if you look at the rents that especially new Berliners are willing to pay in the nice areas of Neukölln such as the Schillerkiez that is located directly next to the Tempelhof Feld you can see that this is already happening with prices higher than in supposedly expensive Mitte and Prenzlauer Berg. But I guess it’s exactly this recent change that is making the people of Berlin super sensitive towards any new projects of such nature. I can totally understand how everyone who is enjoying the city for its laid-back lifestyle and wide open spaces is not willing to let anything endanger their peaceful Berlin. Especially the last 4 years have seen drastic changes in the city and everyone is really worried if Berlin will be able to remain the cool and free-spirited city it is right now. It’s up to you now, those of you who are able to vote. Think about it, inform yourself about the plans of the senat and make a choice tomorrow. After a jump a few impressions of the Tempelhofer Feld as it is now. Read on…
by Frank | Photos, Tempelhof

On Saturday we went to a beautiful picnic on the peninsula Alt Stralau. There we got ourselves acquainted with the new Lands’ End Canvas collection. We could even take two pieces from the collection in exchange for old stuff and mispurchases. I myself have never been so far to the peninsula Altstralau and can recommend the place for beautiful shore walks and a visit to the park. For the more romantic boys and girls there are also small rowing boats for hire. More photographic impressions, information on how to reach the peninsula and how you can win pieces of the canvas collection after the jump.
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by Claudio | Fashion, Friedrichshain

A picnic in a beautiful park always has something very mundane. You feel a little like in the old days where you drove to the country-side in a coach and sat on a white or red-checked picnic blanket. There were times when the team of iheartberlin was more inclined to those kind of amusements. Apparently these times will return, thanks to Lands’ End Canvas, who has invited us to a mysterious picnic in the park where we get the chance to change some of our old garments with the new Canvas collection. For that they have already sent us the most important accessory: a picnic basket. Because they have also thought of our readers, you get the chance to win a second picnic basket including two invitations to the Canvas Picnic. How to win this nice present you can read after the jump.
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by Claudio | Fashion, Party