Introducing Polish artist Pawel Zawiślak
photos: Pawel Zawiślak
I have always admired young artists who make powerful art out of imagination, who grab my attention and speak to my mind with just one image. Unfortunately, this ability to snap people out of their habitual state of mind is a very rare quality, especially in today’s cultural scene, where everyone seems to communicate through visual images.
One of the greatest examples and exceptions that springs up to my mind is with no doubt Polish artist Pawel Zawiślak, currently based in the beautiful Moscow. All his works are not simply grabbing my attention, like many other artists’ do, but they also embody such a deep meaning that you just cannot possibly turn away. Pawel is widely known for his prestigious art and illustrations, as well as for his highly-rewarded cooperations with exclusive magazines, art galleries, young designers and fashion labels all around Europe.
What makes me so supportive is probably his unique creativity in making art as a genuine projection of his inner sensibility, his emotions and inspirations. Apart from his commercial illustrations, he draws images of real life, shifting from mythological constructions to fascinating stories by playing with appearance, meaning and symbols. What strikes me every day is the attention given to the details and the impressive use of contrasts in the compositions, which remark once again his unique style and his pertinence with themes.
For your luck and mine, the Polish Institute in Berlin will soon present his excellent works with the exhibition Dots, Lines & Me and takes us all on a surrealistic trip through thematically diverse scenarios, where colors, shapes and media do not know any boundaries. If you don’t want to miss Pawel’s mindful and limitlesss art, you better start saving the date of the vernissage which takes place in Burgstr. 27, on Thursday 7th of March! Get a sneak preview of what I’ve been talking about after the jump.