A love letter to my Berlin Friends who left the City!

A love letter to my Berlin Friends who left the City!

I find it really hard to believe it, but November will mark my third year of living in Berlin. The whole thing started as an innocent fling, and then somehow turned into this pretty serious business including university exams and tax declarations. I’m still quite stunned as to when did this all happen.

I’ve always aspired to a particular image of myself, carved out mostly by rock’n’roll lyrics, and when I came to Berlin, I decided to live that out loud. Accordingly, I have made my share of bizarre memories. But as I’m walking along the now familiar streets, without the need to consult every next step with a map, I look back and what really stands out are the dear faces of my friends. Some of whom aren’t in Berlin anymore.

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Berlin with a Turkish Touch

Berlin with a Turkish Touch

illustrations: Berk Karaoglu, Hatice Keya

Berk and Hatice, two friends from Istanbul studying in Berlin, wanted to give a Turkish flair to some of the most important icons of the German capital. The result is very rewarding and highly entertaining: A set of four absolutely charming illustrated postcards. Take a look…

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Exploring Berlin: A Walk Down Kastanienallee

Exploring Berlin: A Walk Down Kastanienallee

Whether you’re in the mood for romance, showing a friend around from out of town, or just collecting your own thoughts outdoors, it’s always a good idea to take a stroll through Berlin’s cosmopolitan wonder. And now that the lovely spring weather is arriving, can you think of anything better?

Kastanienallee and its surrounding area has a reputation for being a bit uppity, perhaps too trendy, perhaps too crowded with tourists and young moms and their baby strollers. But despite the onslaught of haters, the Kiez continues to be one of the most beautiful areas in the city, if not the world!

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