We can’t believe it’s been already three years since we did our last official opera picnic for the big Staatsoper für Alle event. During the pandemic, the popular opera screening took place in socially distanced shapes that didn’t allow our picnic to happen, but this year the format finally went back to its original form so we were able to do it again like we used to.
And it felt really great to be back on Bebelplatz among all the opera lovers enjoying the show with our signature lavish picnic that made all the surrounding visitors jealous. And since the date coincided with the World Day of Picnics it was an even more perfect opportunity to make it extra special, including golden blankets, crystal glasses, chilled sparkling wine, etagéres full of fruit, and the finest snacks for our guests.
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by Frank | Events
We all have been there: Struggling with the apartment hunt or the job situation in Berlin, questioning the stability of your relationships or just being upset because the right twist to enjoy your everyday life is missing.
Listen, I can give you the quickest antidote to all this mental bullshit. It’s classical music. Believe me!
But let’s start the story from the beginning. For two years now we have been organizing a unique picnic for our readers and writers to enjoy the classic open-air event Staatsoper für Alle in collaboration with Staatsoper Berlin.
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by Claudio | Events, Music
Classical Music is a special treat in your everyday life. If it would be a dish it would be like a delicacy you need days to prepare and as soon as you taste it you know that all the effort was worth it.
Berlin has many places to enjoy classical music. Some are prestigious and elegant, some are more unconventional. One unique setting we have enjoyed in the past two years is the open-air classic concert series Staatsoper für Alle. Organized by Staatsoper Berlin in collaboration with BMW there will be an Opera screening on the 15th and a live concert from the Staatskapelle on the 16th of June at Bebelplatz. And the best thing is: the concerts are completely free and accessible to everyone.
Last year we started the idea to offer a little special for our iHeartBerlin readers that are as into classical music as we are. Before the concert on the 16th at 13.00, we will provide a picnic starting at 11.30h with drinks and snacks for 3×2 readers that we will pick in a raffle. So you can listen to the concert on Sunday 16th and enjoy a delightful brunch with lots of sparkling wine and us as your hosts.
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by Claudio | Music, Theater
Thankful for the fact that this year’s summer filter seems to be slightly more lasting and graces the Hauptstadt with more gorgeous rays of sunshine than unexpected raindrops, we’re bringing you the ultimate guide to Berlin’s best picknick locations! Grab some snacks and a blanket and get out there! Whether with the squad or solo, it’s practically a sin to ignore Berlin’s abundance of green!
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by Michalina | Kreuzberg, Mitte, Neukölln, Wedding, Wellness

On Saturday we went to a beautiful picnic on the peninsula Alt Stralau. There we got ourselves acquainted with the new Lands’ End Canvas collection. We could even take two pieces from the collection in exchange for old stuff and mispurchases. I myself have never been so far to the peninsula Altstralau and can recommend the place for beautiful shore walks and a visit to the park. For the more romantic boys and girls there are also small rowing boats for hire. More photographic impressions, information on how to reach the peninsula and how you can win pieces of the canvas collection after the jump.
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by Claudio | Fashion, Friedrichshain

A picnic in a beautiful park always has something very mundane. You feel a little like in the old days where you drove to the country-side in a coach and sat on a white or red-checked picnic blanket. There were times when the team of iheartberlin was more inclined to those kind of amusements. Apparently these times will return, thanks to Lands’ End Canvas, who has invited us to a mysterious picnic in the park where we get the chance to change some of our old garments with the new Canvas collection. For that they have already sent us the most important accessory: a picnic basket. Because they have also thought of our readers, you get the chance to win a second picnic basket including two invitations to the Canvas Picnic. How to win this nice present you can read after the jump.
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by Claudio | Fashion, Party