Rainy Days!


Rainy days never say goodbye
to desire when we are together
Rainy days growing in your eyes
Tell me where’s my way…

Our party recommendations for rainy days and nights after the jump!

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Hardcore Capitalism


Tigerenten-coalition! Meaning for sure higher taxes, less welfare, less integration, less secrets, less freedom – capitalism at its best. When times are rough, you will have to party even harder, that is what people do during a crisis… The best places for this weekend after the jump

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The Weekend Menu



Ok, what’s on this weekend’s menu? Well, for a start many good parties but also an overloaded Saturday. Last one either meaning party hopping at an advanced level or you guys make up your mind. Oh please, don’t start to wee your pants, we’ll help you!

Oh, and we do give out guestlist spots for 2 parties this weekend. So it’s time to join our Facebook Group to get a chance to win. The parties after the click.

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Win Tickets! Did you just cum?


Some people still get it wrong: Stattbad is about to close, but only until September whereas Bar 25 really closes in about a month, for good!

Again we are proud to offer you a nice choice of parties during daytime for those who are not in the mood to have late breakfast with their boring flatmates or for those of you guys who can’t afford to have dark circles under your eyes, nevertheless want to party.

And as a very special treat you guys can win 2×2 tickets for the 2-day festival Is It All Over My Face with A Guy Called Gerald, Sven Dohse, Redshape (live), Kaos, Len Faki, Savas Pascalidis and many more at Rechenzentrum after the jump!

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The Melt!ernative


TU!SSY – photo by cemguenes.com

Here comes the summer Melt! alternative for the hot hot heat weekend in Berlin – our well informed party guide for those who can’t afford or don’t want to afford to go to Melt Festival (damn expensive, ain’t it?).

After the jump you will get the chance to win tickets and guestlist spaces for the Urban Affairs extended exhibition, the performance by Nomad and the Endlich 18! after party at Stattbad Wedding.

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Parties and Guestlists

Rüde Hagelstein

Ruede Hagelstein

Oh my, the deeper we go into the summer the more parties there seem to be on one weekend. How will we ever manage that? Okay, you just have to make a choice I guess. Or be on the guestlists…

This weekend is dominated by one big event that will go on for several days: Reisen Macht Den Kopf Frei (Traveling Makes Your Head Free) is the name of a festival at Rechenzentrum and Funkpark that will go on from Friday through Monday. Some highlights from their line-up include Aka Aka (live), Herr Suess & Herr Sauer, Ruede Hagelstein, ND Baumecker, Sven Dohse, Jens Bond and A Guy Called Gerald. Apart from the music they will also have shows, food stands, movies, camping, massages and much more. As the Rechenzentrum is located a bit outside the centre there will be a bus shuttle from Ostkreuz. More infos about the festival here. You can win free tickets for this after the jump.

More parties and free tickets after the jump.

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Hello, Long Party Weekend!

Fotos by Inga Seevers

Fotos by Inga Seevers

On Thursday a few thousand years ago, holy Jesus went up into his father’s arms. Let’s celebrate and let the music lift you up to heights, too. Scala has its last weekend, it’s so sad, but the rumours say that maybe relentless Conny soon has a new thing going on somewhere in Wedding. Amen and stuff.

Indie action on Wednesday at Magnet Club with Dj sets by Sugarplum Fairy who will sail beyond doubt, Nachlader and many more!! At Ballhaus Berlin number six of the Big Bajoo Nights is gonna take place tonight. For more infos and more parties take a look after the jump.

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Scala’s Last Month


Oh no! Everything’s changing… buhu!

There have been rumours before but now it’s official: At the end of the month Scala closes for good. There were different views on the old house and the party nights taking place there. Kids place, tourist place, rave club… But apart from the disgusting toilets and a very slow wardrobe it was not only me who loved this place. And I’d rather celebrate a party with a crowd of kids than with boring oldies moaning all night, but never move away from the bar… That guy at the door, named Krazy, used to look scary but there was no need to wet your pants, cause as a matter of fact, Scala never had a ridiculous selection at the doors. Furthermore this place was also suitable for claustrophobics like me since it has two dancefloors.

As a “natural born Berliner” I can remember some parties that took place at the Scala building already during the 90s and I am a bit sad about its closing. In the end money rules and this house directly at Oranienburger Tor is a place to make money with. I don’t have facts about the new renters, I can only guess it will be another bank. Oh sh… I already use the past tense, but there is still this month and especially the upcoming weekend to dance off your shoes at Scala.

The parties for this weekend after the jump!

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