When it comes to sunglasses no other brand has created a more iconic look and inspiring range of designs than Ray-Ban. Since 1937 they stand for quality and function, constantly coming up with new technologies to improve their products. Their models have polarized glasses that are highly resistant and long-lasting and have anti-glare and outshining features. With their philosophy Ray-Ban has managed to become the most popular brand of its genre. For their new campaign Ray-Ban ENVISION they are looking to connect with people who have a special purpose. You can go to the ray-ban.com website and submit your ideas and visions – the coolest and most extraordinary ones will get the support to be brought to life. Ray-Ban wants to see how you envision your possibilities through their iconic glasses. Upload your Ray-Ban looks with the mottos Never Hide and Envision on Instagram and tag them with #raybanenvision. Have fun!
To get a taste ourselves we got the chance to try out some of the models of their new collection. Since I have this long hair I always wanted to make a shoot inspired by Cousin It, and this seemed to be the perfect opportunity to be a bit more playful and experimental. Enjoy my unconventional Ray-Ban looks after the jump.