The Secret Ingredients of Foodporn

The Secret Ingredients of Foodporn

photo: Our Food Stories

Fashion changes and beauty fades, but one thing that will always play an important role in our everyday life is food! No surprise that food blogs are on the rise, and my Instagram feed is full of amazing food creators. Yes, food photography, food styling, food art and #foodporn: we just can’t get enough of it. Maybe because pictures of food inspire us in the kitchen, encourage us to change up the menu and discover new, interesting and healthy recipes. It’s something that seems beneficial for our own heart, body and soul.

Becoming a food blogger might seem easy because, well, we all know how to make pancakes and a quiche. But that’s not completely right – there is a big difference between cooking for yourself and cooking for a bigger audience, like for the eyes of a thousand followers. Food blogging is a new form of art, and only true creators of real foodporn know: there is a lot of work and practice behind creating a meal that does not only taste good, but also visually appeals to the world on Facebook and Instagram. We asked three specialists of the German food blog community about their secret ingredients of foodporn. The answers and amazing photos after the jump…

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The Forgotten German Recipes

The Forgotten German Recipes

Do you remember that chicken soup your grandpa used to make for you? Or the pancakes grandma flipped so well? Our taste buds can be used as a walk down memory lane, especially so when eating meals from a past time or our childhood. Both eating and cooking can create a piece of home and are a wonderful way to remember. The project Wir haben einfach gekocht („We simply cooked“) from Berlin has utilized this unique quality of food turned it into an amazing cookbook.

Read more about the project and see the joy on the participants’ faces after the jump.

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