A Berlin Festival
The Berlin Festival is approaching fast. When, where, who and how to win tickets after the jump:
The Berlin Festival is approaching fast. When, where, who and how to win tickets after the jump:
photos: Rankin
The first time I saw Robyn live 2 years ago at the MELT! Festival I was literally blown away by her performance. You would never guess how much energy this tiny Swedish lady has inside of her. Since that time I always wanted to see her again and this Wednesday I will get the chance as she is one of the performers at the Spex Live night at Berghain. She also has a new album lined up for a June release which she will be giving a sneak peak at during her concert. Details and more pictures by Rankin after the jump.
By the way: At the end of June she will have another show along Bonaparte and Caribou at the second Spex Live night at Gloria in Cologne.
Tape.tv is currently premiering the brand new Royksopp video The Girl And The Robot featuring the lovely Robyn. The video is beautiful but maybe a little too literal when you ask me, but the song was my instant favorite on the new Royksopp album Junior. Take a look here.