Partying in Berlin is a whole thing. The ritual of preparing yourself for a long weekend of non-stop techno has its own steps and rules. For the techno lovers and night creatures, it’s like a sacred ceremony of the modern days. It takes time and money that not all Berliners can’t really afford to spend. But in the techno tribe, too much is never enough. They have consecrated themselves to the Club God and they are ready to give it all. For some people it seems almost impossible to get out of the spiral of techno, that drew them in over and over again.
The young Berlin-based illustrator Josefine Aspvik has perfectly captured the absurdity of taking yourself too seriously. Her drawings are honest and witty and I’m sure you’ll recognize in them that friend that refuses to meet if not at Berghain.
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by Amanda Artiaga | Art, Party
photos: Steven P. Carnarius
All this right-wing movement going on in the world right now, you got to be kidding me! These people need to get it together already. It’s 2017 for crying out loud, you would think by now we have all moved beyond being whiny-ass bitches scared of everything and everyone that is different than them. But apparently not, I guess it takes a couple more centuries to realize that we’re all different kinds of people living side by side and no-one’s taking anything away from anyone just by being there and being different and it’s all gonna be okay if we just stop waiving those torches and hayforks in the air like some mad medieval faire.
Given Germany’s shady history it’s all a bit more hush hush here with the right-wing shenanigans. But it’s there: the racism, the homophobia and transphobia, discrimination, assault; you name it – we got it! But sometimes we forget about it because the media is relatively calm about it. But talk to anyone who is not white and straight and they will be able to tell you stories that will make your toes curl.
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by Frank | People
The BVG has done it once again! Seemingly not shying away from raising the level of self-ironic absurdity with each new “Weil wir dich lieben” ad campaign, their new video shows how a normal subway ride turns into the U-Bahn version of Mozart’s “Magic Flute”. Does that sound a bit odd to you? Well, then you should watch it maybe.
The Berlin U-Bahn, actually it’s nothing more but a daily necessity, bringing us from A to B. But, a necessity that takes up a lot of our time, on uncomfortable seats, in crowded stations watching little yellow wagons rush in and out. We love to hate it, ….and kind of hate to love it. With their campaign the BVG aren’t afraid to ridicule themselves, their flaws, and “Schienenersatzverkehr”, while also making a ‘lil fun of us, the ever complaining Berliners, who kind of act like the world is gonna end just because we missed one U-Bahn (and the next one is 4 long minutes away).
Anyone whose funny bone is tickled by the thought of a collection of Berlin folks randomly going all ‘Anne Netrebko’ in the underground should watch this video.
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by Andy | Videos
In the last few years, Berlin has given refuge to creative souls from all around the world who were in search of a cool yet affordable place to call home. Berlin offered them that, and so much more, with its distinct, unique lifestyle becoming every young person’s fantasy. That fantasy, and its disillusionment is being captured and satirized by musician Joel Montagud and writer Hayley Bracken in their video “Berlin Spree”, and we think it’s hilarious!
The video follows a female protagonist as she muses over the appeal of life in Berlin, and what this generation gets (or fails to get) out of it: and it’s so funny because it’s so true. The video itself is a testament to Berlin’s inclusive, pro expression expatriate community and ‘hipsters’ willingness to satirize themselves.
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by Stella | Videos
Sven Marquardt on a big bike ride or a Segway tour through Berlin, joining Bachelor nights as a special guest and bouncing tourists at the Checkpoint Charlie? What the hell is going on in these videos and what on Earth does anything Berghain-related have to do with mainstream tourism things you might wonder. All the clues lead to a dubious online shop masked as an official Berghain merchandise store selling souvenirs such as the original Berghain stamp, I heart Berghain T-Shirts and Sven Marquardt rubber masks. Is this a complete nightmare or a dream come true for Berghain fans (and wannabes)? You will be tempted to buy (at least the stamp for practical reasons) but on the check-out you will be informed: “Sorry, we’re sold out!” Huh, how peculiar…
Could this be a comment on the recent news that Berghain was elevated above all other Berlin clubs as a cultural venue bringing it to the same level as concert halls and theaters (and ultimately in the position to enjoy reduced taxation)? It would make sense. Receiving the stamp of approval by the city is in a way the ultimate sell-out for an underground techno and sex club. Or is it not?
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by Frank | Art
photo: Wojtek Mejor
Blogs like ours, as well as those of many of our dear colleagues such as Berlin Loves You, Finding Berlin, Stil in Berlin, Mit Vergnügen, überlin, Pieces of Berlin and the Berlin newsletter Sugarhigh are all about praising Berlin in all of its glory. We think Berlin is a great city worth all the praise and we won’t listen to the haters. But they are out there, those who despise our city and like to criticize every little bit of it and the people inside it. They like to blame us Berlin bloggers for accelerating the gentrification, for bringing in “the wrong people”, for inevitable changes in the city and for the general downfall of the Western civilization. We wondered, how would their blog bookmarks look like. If all the Berlin loving blogs were doing quite the opposite, how would that look like? Check out our imaginary list of despicable Berlin blogs after the jump…
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by Frank | Photos