Scars of Berlin

Scars of Berlin

Berlin is a city with a complicated history that left it with many scars. It was destroyed in the war, for a long time divided by a wall and since than struggling with a weak economy that sets it back compared to the rest of Germany. The scars are all over the city – some of them physical and you can touch them like cracks in the concrete, others are invisible, but you can feel them in the hearts and minds of the inhabitants of the city.

Jozef Ibarr is trying to draw a parallel between the scars of the city and the scars of the people who live in it with his new photo series. He has been fascinated with scars and the stories behind them for a while now, but since he came to Berlin his interest in the topic has grown even more. For his series he collects real physical scars in the streets and their human counterparts in the flesh of the people he meets here. He is still looking for more scars here, so if you have one that you would like to share a story about, get in touch with him. After a jump a few scars from his series.

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Kiss me then I wake up


The new Basement Jaxx album has already been released a month ago, but I just stumbled across it yesterday. I was already pretty wowed by the title song Scars. But listening to the rest of the record I found one song better than the other and after a while a couldn’t stop myself from dancing around in my office. Haven’t heard such a fun record for a long time, well, since Amanda Blank to be precise.

The line-up of guest vocalists reads like the cast of an ensemble movie: Kelis, Santigold, Amp Fidler, Yoko Ono, Sam Sparro and Yo! Majesty to name only a few. And once again the British producer duo brings the concept of “Too Much” to perfection. More pictures and some music after the jump.

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